In this Reality the Roll of a Balanced Dice always Produce a Balance and Spread out outcome
But I suspect there is a Reality or Dimension that is not far away from our own
For example
Where Every time I roll a Balanced Dice
The Number 3 always comes out more than the others
Like out of 1000 times I roll this Balanced Dice
The Number 3 always comes out 900 Times out of a 1000
This Reality and Dimension and Place exists
and because time and space is Ultimately infinite
It is a part and parcel of our Reality like a Sibling to our own Reality
Imagine that ... you are in a place where every roll of a die always produce 900 out of 1000 3's
Now here is the interesting story
There is some kind of a machine that when it is activated
In our own Reality and Time and Space
It causes the Die to come up 900 out of 1000 3's
That machine is a reality altering machine
And one of its many many many facet is the ability to do this
Imagine that ...