Chemtrails – What I know and speculate. I’m just typing off the top of my head but I have 2 decades of links and research on this subject. My wife worked for a major oil company, gas and oil exploration side of the business, so I got to see some insider stuff and this is why I have had a long term interest in this subject.
There has been a lot of talk of jet planes leaving behind a long trail of exhaust that is claimed to be chemtrails or chemical trails instead of the normal exhaust.
The theory goes that the planes are spewing out barium, aluminum and or other metals to block the sun and to slow global warming. I do believe this theory for a few reasons.
A jet plane’s normal exhaust is largely water condensate and CO2; both are a byproduct of the combustion process. Jet engines of today are very efficient and nearly a complete burn of the fuel is pretty standard.
A normal contrail dissipates rather quickly as it is very cold at the altitudes they fly. Cold as -80F.It is very dry at these altitudes and most normal contrails evaporate very quickly, within about 10 seconds. When a plane leaves a chemtrail it does not dissipate, but rather fans out across the sky over a period of time. The sky can look like tic tac toe or other various patterns as air traffic flies by.
Yes aluminum is known for its sun blocking properties, but what is the barium for? Barium is a byproduct of the oil industry, is a heavy metal and is very expensive to dispose of. Barium is extremely volatile with air. In fact the best way to store barium is to store it in kerosene, which so happens to be jet fuel. I believe the jet fuel may be barium laden. I believe they may fill one half of the planes fuel tanks with normal fuel and the other with barium laden fuel. Only because you see a stop and start effect in some of these chemtrails. When a planes reaches the right altitude, barium laced fuel tank is switched on thus burning through the engines producing barium oxide. It also may be a matter of barium injection into the fuel as the plane flies. Not sure on that one, but I do believe many countries are involved in the process of cooling the planet through the use of commercial aircraft. This makes a lot of sense considering the vast fleet of spray jet planes needed, loaded with large tanks instead of seats, flying around and spaying. Though I believe they also use both commercial and tanker planes to disperse chemtrails.
Being a long time researcher into the mystery of chemtrails, I came to this conclusion about 5 years ago. The reason for this long term program and why they keep it up, is really for one main reason; Methane gas.
We have a methane problem, a big one that has been going on for at least 2 decades and continues to get worse. Methane of course is Natural Gas, what many of us use to cook with and heat our homes.
Over the last decade we have seen increases of methane in the atmosphere, some from the oil industry, fracking, strip mining operations, livestock emissions and the biggest producer, permafrost melt. The four corners area which is 100 miles by 100 miles in the USA has a vast plume of methane coming out of the ground from a vast strip mining operation. The Permian Basin an area where fracking is taking place, an area that is 250 miles square has twice the methane leaking out as previously thought. Obama before he left office gave and order to gas and oil companies to button up there shit and stop the leaks. Every gas line, meter, etc. was checked and or sealed up to prevent leaking lines. This was done on big gas lines to the lines that run to homes. Then the war on cattle began, enjoy your steak while you can, cattle produce about 85% of all agriculture emissions of methane. It’s their stomachs/digestive process and the large amount of grass a cow eats.
Methane being 86 times more potent greenhouse gas than CO2. Methane is coming from vast expanses of northern land masses all the way up to the arctic. When you think of the northern tundra’s on this planet, Russia, Canada, Alaska etc. it’s just a huge area giving up its methane as the permafrost melts. The warmer it gets the more melt you have, the more methane that is produced which in turn causes more warming more melting more methane in the atmosphere. The proverbial snow ball rolling downhill getting larger and larger until you can’t stop it. The frozen permafrost of vast areas of land acted like a cap, trapping methane or storing it. Now that the permafrost is melting or melted in many areas the initial methane release has begun. Now you have thousands of years of thawed dead vegetative matter that begins to decay from the bacteria consuming the thawed vegetative matter, producing a steady flow of fresh methane into the atmosphere.
We have been told by scientists who study this; if the arctic tundra thaws we are doomed. We are well on the way.
One other methane problem that no one really talks about much is the laden semi frozen methane at the bottom of the oceans. This is known as hydrates, a muck, semi frozen from water pressure and temperature. I have been following hydrates since there discovery in the late 90’s and since have seen the ocean waters warm further. For years we got wrong data on ocean temps. Turns out they are much warmer than previously thought. Methane does mix with the water, the results are acidification of the waters, bleaching of coral reefs and a disruption of life itself in the waters. Many do not understand that the microorganisms in the ocean such a photo plankton produce HALF the world’s oxygen. They are about disappeared as I speak today.
Much of the acidification of the oceans is blamed on acid rain, or C02 coming down with the rain and acidifying the waters. While this is true, it’s nothing compared to the vast amounts of stored methane on the bottom of our oceans.
These hydrate pockets are vast, deep and filled with methane laden mud in the form of tiny methane bubbles trapped in the semi frozen muck. These pockets are fragile as they are semi frozen. Warming oceans are producing plums or towers of bubbles that may or may not break the surface as methane is soluble with water. We are just starting to see large enough hydrates melt off in the oceans that are breaking the surface because of the volume of gas being released. There is enough methane sitting in our oceans to power the planet for thousands of years if it could be tapped into. However it is not advisable to disturb these vast pockets of hydrates which can be the size of a state and hundreds of feet deep. It is a ticking time bomb; once the process has begun it is very difficult to reverse this process. The second great extinction on this planet was a methane event that killed off the trilobites, one of the most successful animals to ever exist on the planet. So much methane was released it formed storm clouds of methane, then produced lightning and self-ignited burning up the atmosphere. It completely poisoned the oceans killing 99.9% of life in the water and on land. This is what we are facing.
Methane takes about 10 years for it to break down in the atmosphere. It breaks down into- you guess it- carbon dioxide. You will most likely be seeing for a long time into the future, barring anything happens, a steady stream of chemtrails. I believe the process of spreading barium to bust up CO2 is rather futile at the end of the day and is only buying us some time.
I have been theorizing for some time that the authorities on the planet are planning on popping a few volcanoes. A few big volcanic eruptions can plunge the earth back into an ice age or at least a mini ice age to cool the planet, freeze the permafrost back up, cool the oceans, locking down the methane. Of course this would be the end of most of us, but an out of control methane release will be the end of all of us including most life on the planet as in the 2nd great extinction.
So are chemtrails really that bad? Are they trying to save us? One could argue yes, but there is no saving us or all of us, so to say, it’s a process of trying to save the planet and the biological life on it.