In this recent YouTube video with Linda Moulton Howe, Linda speaks of an email she received of a viewer who had a NDE - 23:00 - 33:10
This person encountered what he described as an entity of Artificial Intelligence - a watchdog - that pushed him back into his human body but not before he caught a glimpse of what the AI was keeping him from.
After the experience and exploring what happened, with the questions he asks, one can see some similarity to issues Death Trap raised at Farsight.
His questions:
Why do we reincarnate?
Why can't I choose to not incarnate here again? Or are we fooled into reincarnation?
Are we being recycled for someone's sinister reasons?
Was that realm I went to created by an alien intelligence to keep our souls here?
Is there a way past it?
Very good question. If every action has an equal opposite reaction, then everything you do must again be done to you weather good or bad. The universe is just! Do you think tyrants can do what they do without it all coming back to them? Or even 'good' people for that matter? "a seed beareth not fruit unless it falleth to the ground and die". For surely that what a man soweth, that also shall he reap. death does not excuse you from that law. Perfection is the end condition of all things in this universe, and you are stuck here till you are perfected by turning on your chakrahs and becoming the Child of god. "for the sons of god are free indeed"