Just wondering when farsightPrime will be posting Human News July 2020 on YouTube?? It’s already July 3rd. Please post it soon?
After I posted this question, I read on another thread, Courtney posted they are trying to upload Human News today, July 3rd, and he said it’s going to be big!
We are trying to get the Human News for July out today, July 3rd. It is a big report.
Thankyou Courtney. After I asked my question, I saw on another thread that you had said this. Hope you have a great weekend, and I’m looking forward to watching the Human News, especially since it’s a Big report
Hi Courtney, will you be uploading ET News soon? It’s almost July 9th :) I’m really looking forward to it.
It is running a few days late due to pandemic issues. But we will post in in a couple of days. Sorry for the delay.
Hi Courtney, I'm not sure where to post this, but when I saw Rock Arkie's sketch of the building with the antenae it immediately reminded me of the AT&T building in Nashville Tennessee. Thanks and much love and many blessings to you and all your wonderful team.
Thanks Courtney
In the July human news: that didn't seem like Trump who was depicted as the man inside the big building with the dome (that completely looked like the white house)? small eyes, narrow face, grey hair, slim...is that perhaps the vice president? Curious how others interpret this?
I thought it could be the White House, and I then remembered, as far as I know, every capital building in each state has a dome. For example, Montpelier, Vermont’s capital building looks just like that pic.
I agree with you, I think it looks like Pence as well
Right ... and Courtney also said in the summary that it seemed like Washington D.C. ... and then there is the shooting incidence at a car window... hmmm
Did anyone else than me think that the viewers all expressed themselves more abstractly and vaguely in the July human news than usually...? Perhaps a new instruction, Courtney? - I found it harder to get a grasp on what they were talking about than usually.
Yes actually I felt the same while watching it. I appreciate all the work put into the New Style, but I prefer the old style when they’re using the whiteboard. For myself, I had a difficult time understanding what they were each trying to say, and explain, and the really big thing is when they use the white board, we get to see them probing, and connecting to their target. How about anyone else?? What do other people think about the new style??
Totally, agree. I couldn't believe these viewers were so 'vague'. Normally, I thought they were much better. I would like to know what happened for this to occur. I am a RVer and normally pretty consistent if I put in enough time and effort. However, these people do a lot of projects ---- maybe that is causing some 'vagueness' to come in.
I agree. I also appreciate everything they do. But I'm confused as to why and how they are giving a "walk-thru" version after they already did a session with the drawings and such. At the end of the July ET News Kamia did jokingly comment that she didn't like the way she said something about the smells. Are they doing a staged reinactment of their earlier session? Maybe that's why they seem vague, because we're not seeing the original RV session? I appreciate that Courtney wants a more professional look but professional isn't about the cool background. It's about the credibility of the raw first sessions with the white boards, and the credibility and trust bond that built between them and us by doing it that way. Again, I love them all and will continue to watch and listen. I just wish they'd go back to the old way. I sure didn't feel like I was watching a reinactment as I suspect I'm doing now.
We are in transition. We are not abandoning drawing. But we are getting ready to do it differently. And what you see now is part of getting ready. But these are not re-enactments. They are still live remote viewing while still blind to the target. The new phase of what we do will be ready in mid to late August. You will be pleasantly surprised. Drawing will return, but differently.
Hi Courtney, Thank you so very much for your reply about this. You've set my mind at ease and I'm so glad to know these aren't reinactments. Just please know without a doubt that although I responded negatively to the new format I still appreciate you and your RV team more than you know. Much love, light, and many blessings to you all :)
Well, I'm very appreciative about the groundbreaking work they are all doing and the effort to constantly be more progressive that I love about this group. Perhaps they just need to find their feet in the new setting?
Could Trudy Benjamin's RV session be about the flood that's happening now in China?
I must apologize, because I was referring to ET news in regard to the vagueness. The Human news is definitely more detailed :)
Could the missile at night that Rock Arkie saw possibly be the mars rocket launch from Japan on July 19, but when it was into the darkness of being out of our atmosphere?
EDIT: I just read that Iran is test launching underground missiles.
Three Gorges Dam is a structure on structure over filthy Yangzee River water near a city. Military ARE already posted there because of threat of collapse. They keep releasing floodwater, but lots of sediment has built up also. Big threat to human life.
This is what I thought of immediately when watching Trudy's session. Seems to fit rather well. (The sound of roaring water underneath etc)
Omg, now I'm seeing that we, the U.S., launched a mars rocket carrying a mars helicopter on July 30.