After watching the July 2020 edition of Human News my viewpoint is the following for the new format of presentation:
For Aziz and Melena, I feel that they should continue to use the whiteboard (and Aziz actually still did so). When watching Aziz work with the targets, probling and drawing I feel connected with the process, and I also sense that new information comes up, i.e. the drawing is part of the remote viewing process. The same for Melena Hall. I really enjoy seeing their drawings and feel that we will miss out on something with prepared drawings being shown in the background. Sometimes a viewer focuses on a particular person and object with the marker to emphasize an aspect or add a detail, again something I feel is lost with prepared drawings being shown in tbe background.
I don't mind that it takes a bit longer as long as drawing and erasing is sped up when pertinent,
For PrinCess Jeaneé, I think the new format works great. Since she does not use the whiteboard anyhow, the showing of the drawings in the background adds to the experience.
All the girls, except PrinCess Jeaneé, did not seem as relaxed as when drawing on the white board. I guess some of that is just getting used to the new way of working -- like the weather forecast virtual charts in the background. But I really think you should consider letting each viewer use the way they feel more comfortable with and get the best results with.
To sum up: My vote is for the drawings on the whiteboard, except for PrinCess Jeaneé :-) .
I agree.
Yes, I have to agree.