I honestly don't mean any disrespect or anything races. All the remote viewers are great and I'm sorry for asking this stupid question. here it goes. Are black people better remote viewers i mean i seen other remote viewing sites or channels and by comparison they suck. Even the white remote viewers you have on farsite ,sorry to say aint as good kind of boring. Again please don't take this question in any wrong way thank you.
Race has nothing to do with remote viewing. But our viewers do this full time, and they have been doing it for years. What distinguishes a remote viewer is commitment and training. People of any sort are good at something they really work at. Dedication over the long run really is the only thing that matters.
Don't forget Rock Arkie, Dick Allgire, and Daz Smith :)
Some years ago, Courtney Brown released a video explaining that he was particularly looking for people who were not likely to be financially privileged so that they would stay dedicated. That's why he sought out people of color. Secondly, he was looking for people who had acting experience and ambitions so that they would excel at the presentations. That may be why the black people who do remote viewing for Farsight seem so good at what they do. They are both trained performers and remote viewers. A brilliant concept by Courtney Brown.
After seeing all of the Video's, I can only say that all Remote viewers who were tasked with targets have been good. I wouldn't put it down to one race vs another. The only thing I am going to note here, is that I have been slightly disappointed with the videos as of late. We all know that paper sessions, drawings etc are what is used. Now we are only seeing are voiced descriptions which I can barely keep up with without the board or paper drawings; we can get a better descriptor sense of what is being described through the drawings. That being said I can't watch hardly anything out of Princess, we all know shes real good, but I can't follow without the board or graphic visual. I am Really starting to miss the board sessions. What's needed is better graphic visuals that give us a better sense of what a remote viewer is seeing. Doesn't matter to me if the art is good or not.
We have started to utilize drawing using what you might call a "Lightboard" now. Look at our Star Wars video.
PRINCESS =IS = "THE"... GREATEST REMOTE VIEWER OF "ALL" TIME.... .... IF COMBINED with "Japanese" Anime cartoon
graphics..... hey Courtney, if you do this please call it the .. ."CRYSTAL BALL" directors cut remix....