Hello everyone, I just had time to catch the latest Intelligence Briefing, and this is mainly a response to Courtney's thoughts about these subjects. Perhaps we can get a discussion going.
First of all, I agree with much of what was said, though I feel there might be some misunderstanding with regard to certain concepts, which I feel can be reconciled when placed in the proper context. To me, all that "Ascension" truly means is a shift upwards in consciousness. I tend to agree with the density system of spiritual evolution as expounded in the Law of One -- in which there is a gradual progression through densities of consciousness heightening the ability for intelligent infinity (God/Creator) to express itself -- and according to these sources, Earth is shifting from 3rd to 4th density. This does not mean that we will lose our bodies and suddenly shift into light beings. This only indicates a raise in the vibratory level of our consciousness while still in physical form (a shift towards love). Bashar is another source that corroborates this as well.
The main notion I want to clarify is that of being "saved." When interpreting Ascension in this proper context, no one is going to save you but yourself. You are held with complete accountability to progress your consciousness into these "next levels," otherwise you will stagnate in true helplessness (as the Law of One puts in). In fact, the Law of One states that the large majority of our population is not ready for fourth density consciousness, precisely because we have not been doing the inner work. So there is no external "savior" in this regard. The same thing can be said about karma -- there is no external factor punishing you for having bad karma. Karma -- properly defined -- is simply a rebalancing into alignment as chosen by *your own soul.* There is no such thing as punishment by external forces, yet you yourself (on a higher level) choose to undergo experiences which might help you get back into alignment, when looking at mishaps you have made in the past. But again, you are the only one who can judge your own actions. I highly recommend the Dr. Michael Newton books in this regard (as also endorsed by Bashar).
I feel that the New Age "trap" is very real -- not willing to look at the darkness -- choosing observation/passivity over constructive action. But it's important to note that you can still be in a loving/forgiving/positive state while still recognizing the darkness, and taking constructive action. There is never a good reason to choose the opposite -- fear is what actually keeps us controlled. As we raise in consciousness, we become more aware of both the positive and the negative, but we also become more empowered to choose which path we prefer. Doing the inner work, and being in a loving/forgiving state is perhaps the best thing we can do to counteract the dark forces -- if enough of us were like this, we would manifest a completely different reality, instead of all this hatred and division we currently see. This does not mean, however, that we should not take constructive action while remaining in this state.
Courtney, I highly agree with your discourse about quantum physics. So many of the founding juggernauts of the field a century ago knew that it essentially invalidated the paradigm of scientific materialism, yet we still operate from this flawed perspective nonetheless. I'm not sure if you know about Tom Campbell (who worked at the Monroe Institute) but he does a great job explaining many of these experiments (such as Wheeler's delayed-choice experiment) and the implications for our reality. So yes, our reality is indeed a projection of consciousness that we ourselves create (or filter though an infinitude of probabilities). There is certainly an active, interactive component to this, and we may see this manifest with synchronicity. But I'd also have to ask if clinging to the definition of Earth as a "prison planet" might not also have negative consequences within the expression of our reality? Wouldn't this negative belief not also manifest itself into our experience?
I'm not saying not to recognize the negativity. But I cannot help feeling that you simply give more power to this control system when you define the Earth as such. It's also important to recognize all of the positive forces in our world that are helping us to break free from this matrix. Yes, there are negative entities that feed off of our energy, but we are also being assisted by positive ETs, and I feel that all of these negative systems are gradually falling apart. There is much to be optimistic about, yet we must shift ourselves more towards love & forgiveness as a species rather than fear & division (which only feeds the matrix). Then, we would not be able to be controlled. But no one can save us but ourselves -- even the positive ETs can't step in until we make this decision.
Hopefully I made sense when typing this and cleared up some misconceptions. You don't have to agree, this is only my opinion. But if anyone wants to discuss these subjects feel free! Much gratitude to all at the Farsight team.