i wonder if ghosts and spirits is aliens who are watching us, ore is they someone who escaped the deathtrap but cant get away from the grid around the earth ?
in the roswell diary airl told that a high ranking officer from the galactic force went in to the body of franz ferdinand and when he was killed in that body he got caught by the death trap. wonder why the catolic church are doing all theese Eksorcismes....
Youtube has some interesting channels where people explore different aspects of the Ghost experience.
- Urban Ghosts Urban Exploration
Joe is pretty interesting to watch because of his positive attitude. There are others.
There is also a Smartphone App (Necraphonic) which seems to be a reprogramming of the radio circuitry in your mobile phone to the communiation frequency used by Ghosts. For me, when they use it, it's very convincing.
The takeaways for me from watching many of the 'Ghost' channels on youtube are that many of the individuals who choose to stay after physical life do so because of attachment to the particular place and don't see any great need to move on. Perhaps because they finally feel safe at that location.
Places where Ghosts are most common, from the Youtube Ghost channels:
- Prisons
- Cemetries
- Hospitals
- Private Houses
- Battlefields
- Railroad tracks (for Hobbos)
- Bridges and Roads
I'm sure that there are others but off the top of my head those are the main ones.
Farsight has RemoteViewed the JFK Ghost.
Probably both. If by a ghost you mean an apparition or something with a vague ghostly form then a lot of things, creatures and people watch us from the lower fourth dimension. Including nature spirits (Deamons) and many many other thought forms, some of them man made. This reality is thought responsive so for example, If a whole load of people here on 3d Earth think about something together and for long enough then it manifests in the 4d lowerastral plains which is right next door. It can then manifest here in 3d. People who claim to have seen some of these mythical creatures are actually witnessing a thought form created because so many people have thought about it down the centuries. Thoughts create as they say. Clairvoyants can sometimes see them and clairaudients can sometimes hear them. Many of us can as well but we don't acknowledge it. Some of the negative thoughts we hear are placed in our heads by dis-incarnate beings. Many of these so called crazed criminals who said they heard voices in their heads telling them to do this or that actually did hear voices in their heads. Regardless of what mainstream so called medical professionals tell you. The next dimension is at a right angle to this one. That's why, if you are in the right state of mind through meditation, or even stoned, you can sometimes see movement out of the corner of your eye when you know there is no one there. In a heightened or meditative state you can sometimes glimpse into the next density up. Call it 3.1d or 3.2d. The Catholic church are satanic and should be avoided.
As for ghosts in the traditional sense, ie Humans who have passed on, the ones people see are those who often didn't make it back to the 5th Dimension and are stuck in the higher 3rd, lower 4th dimension of this Planet. She (Mother Earth) has many frequencies and vibrations. We just happen to be (In school) in the dense and solid 3rd dimension. What people describe as Heaven (If you are from this planet) is just the 5th Dimensional version of Earth. They live lives just like we do except everything is brighter and stunningly so. Everything has a sparkling quality to it, the trees move, there are more colours and the physics of the place make no sense. You can actually think something into being in 5d which is why we have to learn to control our thoughts down here.
When you die and the real you (Your light body) separates from your organic body, a lot depends on your vibration at the time of death. If you are in a low vibration, let's say you killed yourself for example, then you are going to be stuck here (Earthbound) until the time you were actually meant to die. Those are the ghosts that many people see. Some people in this situation are angry, because no one can hear them and they cause trouble. People shouldn't be mad at them. Light them a tealight candle and leave them a glass of cool water. That energy you provide them might be the tiny push they need to get to where they need to get to. Pray for them if you wish. They are often in a confused and upset state. PSALM 23 is good. Yes I know the Bible is plagiarised but these words have been recited so often that they too have become embedded in Universal thought fabric. It works. The light beings in higher 5d will hear your words and come to their aid. Some (Ghosts) refuse to leave and stick around in the lower 4th dimension. Others who have committed serious crimes and have been rejected by their spiritually evolved Ancestors and family bloodline in 5d also get stuck here until they get the chance to reincarnate and pay back their Karmic debt.
The lower 4th dimension of this Planet, though is also accessible to Aliens with the correct tech, so not only do we have Human light bodies right next door to us, we have a whole load of higher density creatures of all descriptions including beings like the Jinn who have been here since the Planet was formed. So a Ghost could be any number of things. The important thing to remember is this. We all have family members assigned to us when we step down into this vibration so sometimes the ghostly apparition you see might just be Great Grandma come to see how you are doing. Your Family visit you all the time. So if people often see ghosts then maybe set up and ancestral shrine and leave them some energy. Fruit, water, and light. Tealites are safer until you get used to working with fire. You don't want to burn the house down! Your ancestors can help you a lot in your life. Tarot cards are a good way of communicating with them. Try going onto the Ancestor pick a card youtube video and see what message your ancestors want to tell you. It may be the start of something big. As long as we study our birth chart which tells us what we planned to do before our memory was wiped, and keep our vibration high enough, we will return to the 5th Dimension. Unless of course you are one of those stupid enough to have sold your light body to a Jinn/reptile for cash. Like some of these idiot satanists and celebrities. Then you are in serious, serious trouble. There are far darker lower vibrations and versions of this planet. That's where their negative vibration takes them when they depart their bodies. Those you see being tortured in the reptilian videos show what happens to people foolish enough to sign contracts with them. It means you have given them consent to do what they want with you. Unless you were sent here on a specific task. You can only go in this Universe where your vibration matches In this free will Universe.
Regarding the orbs you mentioned. I have seen ufo's and the orange fireball ones but not the ones you describe. I havent experienced those myself but I am aware of the phenomena. And so were world war two pilots. They called these orbs Foo fighters as you probably know. They used to follow planes in wartime Europe and they appeared to be observing them during bombing raids. The Brits and Americans thought they were German tech whilst the Germans thought they were allied tech. It was only after the war when pilots from both sides chatted about the old days that they realised they had both witnessed the same thing. They varied in size and they sometimes used to come into the plane, in one end and out the other as if recording things. They would spontaniously appear and then disapear. Many people seem to see them in forests and around so called crop circles which admittedly i'm not too sure about. I would imagine these are some sort of probes or a way of remote viewing what is taking place. The dull orange fireballs were witnessed all over London during the recent olympics and I suppose such a ceremony would make pretty spectacular veiwing on other planets. They probaly normally only see us blowing eachother up.
As to who is controlling them remotely we don't know. It could be anything from future historians to aliens, to higher beings, I suppose they are the equivelent of a drone in that they are sent to observe and record.. If you see them around prinCess then you are clairvoyent. You have sight. If they are observing you then there will be a reason for it and you probably have a task. Try to do a Tarot reading. Perhaps there is a message for you. . And yes when we dip down into a negative" thought valley" our antenna has difficulty recieving messages. The higher in vibration we are the more guidence we can pick up. I see and hear things only when I'm in a high vibration and yes it takes ages to get back. Booze and drugs seem to drop people down in vibration. Then your Aura develops holes allowing these creatures in to manipulate us. They call hard liquor Spirits, and Jinn (Gin) for a reason! Meat also appears to lower our vibration as the energy of the murdered, sometimes brutalised animal seeps into our own energy. And learning Spiritual defence is crucial. The Jinn don't like the smell of sage for example or insense. Using lime, seasalt or hot peppers keeps them away too. Balance appears to be one of our challenges in this reality.