Farsight has recently published a rv project titled, Reptilians Here and Now.
In this study, the five viewers (Aziz, Melena, Kahmia, PrinCess and Trudy) are as outstanding as they have been in every Farsight study.
However, I have noticed that sometime, in some studies, a Farsight viewer will connect with the study material in a very personal and unique way. For instance, in the RA study, Aziz captured the true essence of Hathor and displayed it in a very powerful way. And Melena had a powerful personal experience in the Bashar rv project…
Recently, in the Annihilation of the Dinosaurs, and in the current Reptilian rv work, PrinCess has demonstrated that she has a unique connection with reptilians that goes beyond the targeting requirements. In fact, Courtney has confided that in some rv work, the reptilians have allowed PrinCess to see their children.
However, in Reptilians Here and Now, I think that PrinCess came across a powerful force/entity/energy that is not reptilian, and that in some situations might not be benevolent. I am not talking about the gatekeeper who protected her by preventing her to have a face-to-face interaction with this energy. I’m talking about the entity or energy that is in the forbidden area where PrinCess was not allowed in.
The first time that I watched PrinCess in the reptilian video, I wondered what was in that forbidden room, deep in the core of earth. I knew for sure that it was not Gaia! And it was not reptilian either! Then, in my thought and awareness came the following words: “black goo”, and “the queen of black goo”. I was very surprised by what I heard, and I wondered what was black goo had to do in this rv study!
Then, I wondered where to find some information on the black goo. And I immediately remembered a book titled CoEvolution that I had read a long time ago. This book was written by a kiwi named Alec Newald; and in this book, he talks about the 10 days that he spent with the group of blue skin beings who had abducted him in February 1989 while he was driving to Auckland City in New Zealand.
And, yes, I believe in Alec Newald story! I consider him to be a man of high integrity who paid a high price for his experience with these mild benevolent ETs. You can read his story and find out for yourself. A link for a pdf of his book is given below, at the bottom of this post.
According to the blue beings, a long time ago, a dark force/entity/energy that is not native to earth and is designed to do the work of others, invaded earth and its inhabitants. Today, this dark force/entity/energy permeates everything on and inside the earth. This dark energy is found in all humans, and it vibrates at the same frequency as man and earth.
This invading dark force is a highly concentrated form of negative energy that generates fear, and that feeds itself with the negative emotional energy generated by this fear. This dark force presents itself in two forms. In the atmosphere, outside of earth, it is an invisible force that the human soul has developed a resistance and immunity for. But inside the earth, this dark force is substantially more concentrated in negative energy, and presents itself as a highly viscous black liquid concoction; and hence, the name black goo. The black goo is dormant deep inside the earth at high pressure, or at very low temperatures.
According to Alec, the blue skin ETs who have no immunity for the dark force, had studied the black goo for years in their underground base in south Thule Islands in Antarctica until they had to abandon this location during the Falkland Island War. They were hoping to find a way to inactivate this dark entity so that they could resettle on earth. They were very concerned by what would happen if the black goo were brought up to the surface of earth.
It appears that the world power brokers are well aware of the black goo and its potentials. It is believed that the black goo was the real reason behind the Falkland Island War. Apparently, the UK fought Argentina in this war to take over the blue skin ET base in south Thule Island, and to get some black goo. And they did get some because in the early 1980s, a string of bizarre incidents and deaths occurred among scientists who were studying the black goo in Marconi labs in the UK.
Back to Farsight study of reptilians.
I am speculating that the entity that produces or is responsible for this dark force on earth is located in the forbidden space, deep in earth core where PrinCess was not allowed in. And because it was not safe for PrinCess to have a face-to-face interaction with this being/force, the gatekeeper begged her not to go inside that space. I am also speculating that PrinCess might have received more information than what she has chosen to share with the public, and that’s perfectly fine. What’s important is that she’s safe.
Alec Newald book is a good read that I highly recommend. This book has helped me understand the negative key role played by fear in the development of man. Something that Courtney talked about in the reptilian video with a focus on the fear caused specifically by reptilians.
Reading this book has also explained why Bashar always says that the key requirement for happiness is to follow your excitement, your passion. In CoEvolution, I learned that someone who follows his/her passion leaves no room for the dark force to sneak in.
Alec Newald also says that the dark entity is an insidious force difficult to get rid of because it vibrates at the same frequency as humans and earth. This echoes what Courtney said about the fear caused by reptilians on humans. So, Courtney is absolutely right when he says that humanity has to increase its vibration frequency passed that of reptilians to be free from their hold on man.
With the information provided by Courtney in the reptilian video, and supported by material in Alec Newald book, I can now see how an intervention by the Galactic Federation of Worlds (GFW) can help man free himself from the fear grip of reptilian. And now I can also see why one would contact and ask the GFW to help earth and its inhabitants increase their vibration frequency beyond that of reptilian. But personally, I did not ask for an intervention by the GFW because I was not sure how this intervention would help humanity but now I do. However, I did ask the Council of Nine to intervene, my request was received and simply acknowledged. I will now ask the GFW.
Alec Newald (2011). CoEvolution. https://idoc.pub/download/coevolution-alec-newald-2011-vylyqg3rjq4m
The forbidden room.... “The Hall of Amenti” perhaps.
Maybe but I have to confess that I don't really know what the Hall of Amenti is. I read about it a longtime ago in The Emerald Tablets of Thoth but I don't remember what it is. Do you?