Everyone, this is crazy. I had a feeling Biden was a clone because of his beady black eyes, but oh my goodness, I didn't know he had black worms crawling around in his body, until these two videos. The first video shows the short clip. The second video is from Jeffrey Daugherty, and he shows it being analyzed and dissected by some other lady who also saw it and does a real slow-down of it, so you can see that there are two worm things up his sleeve, that appear to disappear behind his skin.
Jeffrey Daugherty, starting around 30:43 of video
It's so creepy, that I feel it is our obligation to check into who or actually WHAT Biden really is. Is this some type of alien take-over?
Maria, my mother and I have been noticing the same thing. We try to avoid conspiracy theory sites but really have wondered why this hasn't been more talked about. I would love to know the inside scoop of what the heck is going on.
The problem is, there really are no so-called conspiracy 'theory' sites, because all that is worth talking about, is what people are trying to discuss to FIND the truth about...and you see, the cabal doesn't want us to find out the truth, so they shame these people who are trying to find out the truth, so that others would think twice about going and becoming part of a discussion that would end up finding the truth and then being able to DO something about what's going on. So, you really have to want to know the truth, and then just go out there and look. And when you use your heart to "feel" your way, and then you measure how many times you were correct, after a bunch of times, that you went and used your heart to find your way through the intuitions and feelings you get, then you begin to be able to rely on yourself, so that when you go to a site where there is truth being told, but that is infiltrated by the bad guys who are also trying to mislead people with their disinformation campaign, then you won't feel so lost any longer, because you will have a method from which to actually find the truth. It's a process. And after a while, you learn how to get the truth. But you won't always be able to share what you've found, because many people are still having to find that method out for themselves, so that they are no longer relying on someone from 'authority' to tell them what the truth is. You see? Complicated. But can be simplified, when you trust in yourself. That's the only way really. Who else do we have but our own self? And then after you know your own self better, you'll be able to find those others who also have done the work, and communicate with them, knowing you're communicating with a real person, rather than with just a programmed person who hasn't woken up to the scam we've been put under the spell of.
I would love to know the inside scoop a lot better. Even though I feel I've learned a lot, and my inner being has shown me a lot, it's still so difficult, to get the answers I'm interested in finding. I have many questions that I've asked, and am asking. The good thing is, I've noticed how my inner Higher Self works. When I ask a question, it doesn't matter if I think she didn't hear me. Because she DOES hear me. The next day, or sometimes the next moment, or something I had already experienced in my life, a picture shows up, or a scene in daily life, or I'm led to a certain website for example, and I either find the answer, I begin to find the answer. And if I begin to find the answer, then I feel confident that when I continue searching in that direction, that I'll find the answer. So, that's how my approach has been to finding out "what the HECK is going on here!" Hahaha. You know?
I’m honestly dismayed by the crazy conspiracy theories on these forums. Clones? Worms? Really?? https://www.reuters.com/article/uk-fact-check-false-evidence-of-biden-ea-idUSKBN26L3D0
Hahaha. Don't be dismayed. They're mostly true!
The world runs on conspiracies, always has. We can always trust Reuters to tell us the truth! NOT.