okay I understand your humor now... fair enough... but the problem is regarding Q, is a really big problem because it has fried so many people's brains, making them believe that crap is a whole other discussion, but I'll summarize for you.
Basically Q was started by 3 people, on a forum/chat/message board called 4chan. Then they moved to 8chan and eventually their account was taken over by either the FBI or CIA.
One of the founders of Q, has come clean and exposed them from the start, here is his confession for all to see. He names names and much information about the founders, and those who are on 4chan, know who these people are.
See link here: https://pastebin.com/dZbP9hCt
The founders of Q are also extremist Christians, who are quite hateful to people that don't believe what they say and also hate on other people's religions. They put everyone that is in a fraternity or group, into the 'illuminati' category group, accusing everyone of being 'satanic' when they don't agree with them... the list goes on and on. Basically they started out as a hate group, that wanted to cause division and spread hatred and this group has had tremendous success at doing that, as well as destroying families and people's lives as well as fried their brains because just about everyone that follows the Q movement and believes it, are incapable of having logical discussion with anyone, including their own family members.
Q has been very effective because they take 5% of truth and mix it up with 95% fiction (lies) and package it up in a way that is very interesting and mysterious. The Q drops are done in a way that are generalistic and open, so that they can be interpreted in many ways, allowing for whatever scenario that comes up, to be linked to a Q drop which gives it credibility, regardless whether or not it actually is linked to Q... QAnons often state their interpretation of a Q drop and then when it doesn't come true, they always say stuff like 'Q said this etc etc etc... but we interpreted it wrong, it really meant this bla bla bla' and so on... always ending up correct in the long run when its all a sham. The same goes for dangling of a carrot... there is forever a carrot that is being dangled infront of Qnons which means its always a 'waiting game' that 'trust the plan' comment always confirms that Qanons need to wait... but little do they realise, this is a communist tactic to keep people at bay and to stop a reactionary response.
This type of tactic has been done already by the Bolsheviks in the 1920s where they basically disabled the population. Google the 'bolshevik operation trust' and you'll get tons of information about it. The way that Q has particularly been effective in frying people's brains is that they state the following key phrases that get repeated over and over again, not only spreading the disinformation and stupidity, but also easily identifying people who follow Q. They are:
- 'Trust the plan' (which means DO NOTHING, everything is under control, when its really not - this is to disable any reaction from the public.
- 'enjoy the show' (again, means do nothing, don't react, which disables the public).
- 'Nothing can stop what is coming' (again confirms to people that everything is under control and to not do anything).
- 'symbolism will be their downfall' (this is attacking fraternities such as masons, who have absolutely NOTHING to do with the 'cabal' as so called by Q.
Unfortunately the Q movement has become a movement of hate, rather than truth, and anyone that doesn't believe what is said by people from Q, are bullied, attacked and ridiculed with immeasurable stupidity and ferocity that it is impossible to have a logical discussion with any of them as they are totally brainwashed and full of hatred.
Here is more information about Q
and here is information about operation trust https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Trust
This is a phenomena that must be stopped, its already destroyed thousands of families, including my own, where I'm unable to even speak to my mother about anything political (where previously there wasn't any problem), it ends always in an argument which prior to Q, didn't happen. I know many other people who have had the same issues.
People who follow Q are brainwashed with dangerous nonsense, but ultimately are victims of an FBI/CIA psy op that was designed to disable any reaction from people regarding the political sphere and the like. I really wish that Courtney would make Q a target for RV, that would expose and confirm once and for all the sinister objectives of Q once and for all and help remove this scourge against humanity once and for all.
Oh my goodness! Sounds like a reality-tv show. Or Jerry Springer, or Oprah, or what was that other nutcase named with the moustache? People just gobble that stuff up, don't they? Their lives are sooooo unimportant, that they have no qualms about dumping their entire focus into some machine game on the internet that involves like-minded others in some strange chase your own tail event. Or robberous scheme!