Hi Courtney / Everyone..
I have a question and some experiences for everyone here who may know /want to know about this:
How does this Death Trap model integrate/compare with the Studies of the following:
1) Dr Michael Newton PhD - http://michaelnewtonphd.com
2) Dr Brian Weiss M.D - https://www.brianweiss.com
3) Dr Ian Stevenson - https://www.near-death.com/reincarnation/research/ian-stevenson.html
Basically.. from the above researchers using Hypnosis they have constructed an model of "Life-between-lives" - where the subspace travels through the light tunnel to a debriefing area and is then evaluated by their "guides" to see if they met their objectives during their previous incarnation (Which are never 100% completed..)
Here they spend time "in heaven" and are "judged" by a high council with "love" and then given future objectives to work on in their next re-incarnation (including repeating past objectives they have failed). They choose their next body/life/family/soul group and THEN are mind-wiped and sent down to their new body. Thus repeating the cycle until all Karma is "equalised" (which is never.. therefore being mindwiped repeatedly)
The above model seems slightly different from the "Death Traps" project where the soul/subspace component is zapped and sent straight back to another body without having the life-between-lives de-briefing.
Now I totally understand that hypnotherapy techniques are not free of AOL/Deductions and are NOT done blind.. so RV results can be seen as more reliable because of their blind nature. But the question I have is:
Is the life-between-life area actually real? - or is this an implanted false memory construct put into us during the Amnesia / Electrocution process?
Personal Experiences:
I have had many different "Past Life Regressions" from different practitioners, who have been trained by the Newton Institute/Dolores Cannon QHHT/Others (Note: Dolores Cannon used to comment on abductions/ ETs as all good.. so I put in her the same class as channelers/new age)
In one session under hypnosis, I was in the "Life-between-lives" area and I had a full blown "argument" with an subject that was communicating with me when I asked "Why am I mind wiped" - I got angry and started to be "assertive" with the subject and I sensed a feeling of "oh shit" from the subject and then was given the suggestion of "sleep" by the subject and I felt like I was put into hibernation, until the past-life practitioner woke me up physically..
I have also conducted Life-between-life sessions on colleagues/friends and in one session some subjects were perceived running the Amnesia Stations that looked Reptilian'esque. Another time, the "council" that debriefs during Life-between-lives seemed similar to the Orion type beings RA/Zeus/etc ..
In another session with a friend, we concentrated on the moment right before coming into his current physical body, he was in the "life-between-area" and the same subjects were telling him to look at some screen screen/swirly energetic construct which now after viewing Death Traps project seems like the actual "Electroshock" apparatus/device/field.
In the session, he got an ominous feeling about looking into it.. like anxiety.. and he refused to look at the energetic construct and sense the subjects getting really angry at him. At this point he started going pale physically and coughing and I bought him out of the session ASAP.
Again this could be AOL (analytic overlay) / Deductions as its not a blind RV session.. and was Past life hypnosis.. but I thought it would be interesting to mention.
Thank you for reading all of this! :-D