A video released by Dr Michael Salla (Exopolitics) was posted on the 21st of April 2021 on Youtube, and reviews what the Farsight Remote Viewing team's data produced from the 2 part Aliens and Reptilians in Antarctica Project.
Dr Salla also adds his own commentary and overview as to what the Farsight Remote Viewing data brought to light - and how it correlates with his own research, and adds another dimension of information to expand the current perception of Alien, American and Nazi involvement in the Antarctic region.
20+ minutes long
Nazis and Reptilians in Antarctica – Uncovering the Truth through Remote Viewing
PROJECT 8200 is literally just the plot of X-COM 2.
AREA 51:
The "Galactic Federation" is just some Ed Dames non-sense that Courtney plagiarized and re-purposed to suit his own ends. He literally wrote an entire book just so he could claim the "Galactic Federation" chose him to be their ambassador on earth.
Narcissistic, self-indulgent fantasizing much?