In one of Farsight's videos the target (or maybe the subtarget?) was related to entities influencing Govt/religious officials or at least that was addressed. Can anyone tell me which video that might have been?
I think, you are looking for "Our Leadership Has Been Compromised". There are other FS projects like "The Shroud of Turin" and "Fátima, Miracle" that also have some interesting information and truths about our religions.
Carla Venezia
Thank you, Jean-Claude! :)))
Jean-Antoine de Saint-Exupery
There is group called CryptoViewing. They did a project called "TARGET CODE NAME: MUNCHY" and found that somebody did influence Steven Mnuchin when he was a secretary of the tresury. Worth to watch.
I follow them but managed to miss that one! Thank you, I appreciate the heads up on that.
Carla Venezia