Let’s say GFW and the domain decide earth is ready and enough have asked to have the negative ones taken out. Do they come like a war in heaven or like the 1561 celestial phenomenon over Nuremberg?
Wouldn’t the reptilians at that point say well fuck it if they’re removing us. Let’s just nuke DC or LA bc the USA government betrayed our agreement? What is the actual plan here?
If the reps are in national parks underground and Area 51 and other military bases the GFW isn’t going to just knock on the door and serve them with an eviction notice.
on many levels it will be vibrational... the earth, and the solar system is going through its own changes that make the earth less attractive to them.... awakened humans are of no use to them. and there is karma, so much karma.... the blowback will and IS severe... when you live a human life of 60 or 80 years, you do some karma, and its works out in the next life.... beings that live for many thousands of years, and do not have life reviews at death, or rebirth, grow immense karmic loads, and this karma credit card is due now.. so there is a lot going on for every being involved.... multi-dimensional evolution for every thing....