This might be nothing, but the creatures that princess jenea described in one session sounded a lot like a creature I had envisioned from a very early age. In my childhood I didn't think that they were real, just something I had imagined for fun. But now at 40 I still imagine them persistently and their details haven't changed. It could of course be just an active imagination, but I have to wonder now if it could be a past life memory.
I call them Nalinaks. They don't live on Mars, their homeworld is temperate. They're part of a small federation of a few worlds, and could certainly work abroad. They have smooth scaley skin mostly in hughes of green. They are not like the reptilians that dominate this planet. They are quite busy and timid. They love humor, scare easily, and are only aggressive if cornered to a terrible extreme. I have information about their anatomy, their types of food (plant-based but from a specific plant that produces high protein compounds), their culture.
I could go on but I do confess it's hard for me to insist that it's real. The first thing I would say to myself if I were reading this is "based on what evidence?" and I have none.
I will elaborate if requested.