I figured something out. Thankfully for Airl's teachings to Matilda, I understand that "Matter" has been around from the beginning. It doesn't grow or diminish, it just changes/transforms/shape-shifts and stays the same amount.
And thanks to "Mission Guide"s work on "Decoding the Hive," I understand how these little tiny, unseeable by the Human eye, particles, are actually beings and entities that are from before Time; which is what I think those beings talking through Alexandra, are.
And thanks to Theresa Talea's book "Eternal Humans and the Finite gods," all of this makes sense.
And of course, thanks to Courtney Brown for training and bringing to us some phenomenally great remote viewers, because there is a lot of evidence in their work, and all the time! Every month we find out more.
And thanks to the Nag Hammadi Library's "Paraphrase of Shem," (and other of their translated works) and thanks to Amitakh Stanford's writings (on the Nephilim/Anunnaki), I can finally piece some of this elaborate puzzle together.
For example. In Theresa Talea's book, she talks about the event of the All That Is, The Pure Essence coming out of its...I don't know...beginning. That would be the description. Its first coming out of its place to start creation because it wants to share itself with, and know its creations. Well, it said something about the initial event (of its coming out) being somewhat of an explosion, without exploding as we know it. Something awesome. And what that may have done, maybe...I don't know...but I figure that it was something, in perhaps a few stages, one of those stages being that, Matter was a product formed from the initial expansion. You know? The outer-most shell, that opened first, through the expansion, some of the light particles ended up through that darkness of the surface, of that expansion.
Because you have a product, and the surface is darkness, so therefore, what's in the darkness, expands, and the first thing to move is the darkness, the shell, outward, the most exterior part. And therefore because it was such a grand event, and happened so quickly, of course, the whole thing spread through, and therefore, light particles were in the darkness, as well. As we will find the essence of comprehension of that, in the works of Luria, the Hebrew mystic. You can read the book "Kabbalah of Creation; The Mysticism of Isaac Luria, Founder of Modern Kabbalah" by Eliahu Klein. He has the right idea.
So you see, when we look at some of those constructs out in space, as a picture symbol, such as a Nebula, we see in parts of it a black coloured product, and also vividly bright coloured product, gases, and hence, one of those products reminds us of Matter, black, carbon, since we are so familiar with Matter here, we can see that black part as the carbon of our matter's structure.
Airl says, Matter has been here from the beginning, it doesn't grow and it doesn't diminish, but it continually changes its shape. Now you put Theresa Talea's findings together, with Airl's, and you get a picture. There's a heck of a lot more to it, because of the so long period of expansion time we've been through, trillions of years probably, and you know that, so I can only describe or explain so much at one time. You need to open your higher senses, because then you can connect to that self that is connected to me, my higher self, and then your personality doesn't have to struggle so much, because our higher selves will meet in that description that shares it, and your personality will just pick it up, and then both our personalities will be in the know, like in music, reciprocation or entrainment. You know? Makes things easier.
There's a lot more, but I just woke up and want to go have a coffee out in the sun before that sun disappears. I'm an evening person right now!