Kahmia Dunson
For my first visual I have this like dome-like structure
It has a rounded top to it but kind of a square base
This structure kind of sits off to the side a little bit so it's kind of like this – like a square base like that.
It's giving very like big grand almost like a church or like a government building - something like that - a large building.
I do see other scattered structures kind of over here - like back here a little bit, and then just overall the background and the backdrop just feels very level topography for the most part.
I do see some sort of like man-made land here like sidewalks or straight ways
There are objects over here - subjects over here a lot of subjects on the base surface outside of these structures kind of just moving about.
It feels very busy here. It feels like it's almost a large city or something where a lot of people congregate.
So, from there, focusing in on this - looking for the target event - it does feel like it's centrally located inside of this larger structure almost like there's a lot going on out here (In the sense that this is a large city)
There's a lot of man-made extra stuff going on but, something about this structure feels different.
There are subjects inside this structure too - a lot of them - and it just feels like they're all moving about but somewhere else inside this structure it feels like there's something (almost like) hidden here.
It feels like there's this hidden space or room inside this structure
And inside that room there's like not that many subjects - there's very few subjects –
And it does feel like there's a main subject here.
This subject feels kind of older… feels like they have this unnecessary amount of authority.
This subject feels male.
The subject feels tall
The subject feels not necessarily like lean - very average i guess you would say –
They have shorter darker dark brown, black hair
This subject is inside the structure in this room (right here) and I want to say that the room (again) it feels like it's either underground or very well hidden inside this structure.
This subject also has like a tan skin tone - not too pale but very much like almost a summer tan skin tone
The subject also feels slightly off to me like they feel like they have bad intentions let's just say, that they don't feel like a nice person - they feel like ‘ulterior motives’ - just weird and creepy.
Subject feels weird and slightly creepy.
But it does feel like they have this (again) amount of authority that can’t anyone deny - like that that guy runs this… I want to call it an operation, because it just feels so hush-hush but, he runs it.

For my Second visual
I do have this big like dark room - it looks dark, and I will say that there's this faint light here shining from the top - so imagine like light comes down, very dim lights, but the rest of this room is super dark.
I do see these (like) boxes almost, in this room - and they look like they're in a row - but I see these blobs inside of these boxes and honestly, I can't really make out the shape of what they are.
But it looks like (drawing) this –
And I’m doing (drawing) almost like the shadows or black dark just things.
Probing into them they feel soft - they feel natural, they feel like subjects –
So what I’m getting here is that in this dark room there are subjects in boxes
Now these subjects feel like they're very naive and they don't even know what – like they're completely lost in the sauce okay.
They feel like they are almost like children, like how children they can't really tell what's going on but they see it.
These subjects are obviously witnessing what's happening but it's like they cannot really comprehend it. And I’m getting these feelings of being scared, being nervous, feeling trapped, feeling lost, feeling secluded, like they've been taken away from where they, wherever they came from, stolen, and put into these boxes in this structure here.
Another thing I’m going say about this whole room is that it genuinely makes me feel sick to my stomach.
It's disgusting in here. It makes me want to make the worst faces, and just be like ‘yew’ whatever's happening in here is almost like I want to say it's inhumane, and like stuff that a person in their right mind could never do. And it just feels really dark and twisted.
So this main subject here, again - I can't really make out a face either I just see this shadow of a person - but I can tell just ‘how’ they look, I can just tell how they're shaped and stuff, but, that male subject is here as well - he's inside of this room.
He's not the only - you know - I’m going to call them the ‘adult males’ because these two feel like almost like they’re (their?) children, but the one that's the most sane and knows what's going on here, he's in here.
There's a couple other subjects in here - maybe they're just like (?) guys or something but they feel like they have an idea of what they're doing down here, why these subjects are down here, and overall it's just giving me kidnapping vibes. It's giving just stolen people and hidden away. I don't know if they have information or what, but it just feels like they're in these boxes and these are not the only people who know, but these are the main people who come in and out of this room and interact with these subjects in this room downstairs.
Another thing about what's happening here:
I get this feeling like these subjects are tortured and neglected - I don't want to call it animal abuse but when you neglect your pets and stuff like that, these people feel neglected like they were put in this box and just left there and checked up on every once in a while, but for the most part, they are not really cared for and they're just sitting in these cages almost.
Again, I just cannot help but feel so sick to my stomach like it's almost like I don't want to believe what I see and what I’m witnessing.
It does feel very twisted and dark and sinister.
Overall, again, just like outside of this, the overall area does feel like a city.
The flat terrain in the background - for the most part, this building just feels so big that it does feel like it's either government ran, church ran, something like that, a very grand building that you wouldn't think has rooms located that are secret and with subjects inside them.
And these subjects on the base surface; it doesn't really feel like any of them know what's going on here - they genuinely feel like they're just walking around going about their day and these subjects over here are literally crying for help - they feel like they are defeated.
Lastly, just trying to figure out why this is happening - it really feels like it's happening because these subjects here are twisted, dark, sinister, subjects. It's literally because they're deranged, and I’m going to say deranged because someone in their right mind would never, could never - and it feels like in their mind they are seeing what's happening and they're like ‘yeah, no this is exactly what I want to see, this is exactly what I want to happen - and you just don't like… how do you think that way? No.
And it's really all coming from this main subject here.
Of course, it seems like it's a hush-hush network that a lot of people know about it - not just these three, but subjects everywhere know about it. But it's not like ‘known’, it's almost like a secret society type thing - like a secret thing, and so it's almost like I don't know how else to describe it y'all but if you could just see a picture and you know you see what is shown to you and then you put on special glasses and all of a sudden things that weren't there are there because you can see it now - like that's what this is.
Nobody who's an average person knows anything about what this is but it's a thing, and it feels like it starts from a subject who is deranged and is almost disconnected from reality to the point where they believe that what they're doing is either good for them or good for the society, the group that they're a part of, they don't give two nothings about these subjects in these boxes - they care about themselves and what these subjects give them.
And I feel like what they're getting from these subjects is some sort of power and some sort of advancement, but I can't really tell - it's just they feel very content and happy with themselves that these subjects are here and that they have control over this situation.
So yeah, overall, it's just a regular city - some big building with a room in it that seems very hush.
In this room, this room does feel like it's like down a very narrow hallway, so I do see this very narrow hallway right - like that (drawing) - but then it stops. And there's a door here - like this (drawing) - this is the hallway - these are walls - this is the floor - but at the very end of this narrow hallway there's this door (arrow) this door (arrow) is this room (arrow) is this room and it's almost like you can't find this door unless you're taken to it –
But yeah, overall, just people in cages - people with some sort of authority who are literally allowed to just do this, and they're neglected, they're almost abused –
I do feel like some subjects here don't make it - they don't survive, although these subjects in these boxes feel alive. I do get this feeling that there's some subjects that just don't make it out alive.
End of session.