My apologies for negativity in my comments recently. The intel briefing even if I don’t agree about the grays in particular. Arguing lowers the vibe and it’s excellent advice to not choose sides and remain in the neutral/observing state
I like Cortney but his intelligence briefing was frustrating. Don't worry about whats going on right now? We still have to live in the now and like he's said before there is nothing we can do about the stalemate with the ETs. Usually when you want two sides to stop fighting then you present something else that they can focus their energy on we got nothing from this last briefing.
Maybe he thinks that we shouldn't be fighting about what is going on, but I will be damned if they are going to jab me or my kids. You say that's what they want me to do is feed into this. I would said negative. I didn't wake up one day and say hey lets give everyone a needle of some shit no one on this planet knows what happens in 10 years. I found myself in the middle of this shit.
I totally agree we shouldn't get wrapped up in the back and forth but when it comes to your door step what do you do? Look up at the sky and ignore whats right in front of you? Why look up if we cannot do anything anyway as he said?
And this playing middle of the road stuff does not work clearly picked a side of the Galactic Federation because they are for freedom and higher vibrations, and looking for peace. Well how do you then say nothing on the planet matters that we need to stop fighting. If we are proxies for the ETs then....... lets me honest here......... what ET do you think is pushing the current shit we are in now? You think the Galactic Federation is pushing the jabs? You think they are pushing for the murder of babies in the womb? Yea hot topics here but I think its time we ask for more from you other then the middle of the road. Usually the guy in the middle gets hit first and from both sides.
You shouldn't dismiss both sides in an effort to be neutral but rather glow bright like a beacon drawing people away from the wrong path. You want people to raise their vibration but you also want to stay natural and not fight? Well that cannot happen, you cannot have both you don't have to choose a side but you should at least agree to do no harm.And its clear these jabs do harm and its clear what side (low vibration) they are coming from.
You don't want us to worry about earth problems but we cannot do anything to the ETs at all as you have stated in previous videos. Well other then informing us of whats going on then maybe you should shine some light on what we can do in our earth lives.Maybe you cannot bring yourself to agree with anything. But you should at least have the character to disagree with that which is bad. You should at least be able to highlight what is low vibration. I am noticing you are trying to play the middle of the road on earth problems but you have no issue whatsoever picking a side on the ET problems. Maybe you can apply that same logic to us on earth then?
I apologize if this comes off wrong. But I just feel like you need to do a better job. Take this constructive criticism and do more more prep in your next video. I really think you should construct a path so its easier to follow. You kind of jumped around and seemed like you were minimizing us like what we are dealing with is nothing. You said said we were nothing then ended with we are powerful which leads me to believe even more there was little prep.
Just to be clear I love the content and I signed up for it because I believe in it. But I really think you have to be more then just someone who brings us this info but you should also relate that which you know to us younger humans. I know there is a lot more to learn and I am young so I know there is more time to learn it. I am glad I found this place. And I hope you don't take this negatively Cortney. None of us are perfect we can all do better. And I could myself that is why I am here.
Long post but depending on how “ethical” you want to be in America there is no federal database for who’s been vaccinated. So you can buy a fake covid card for $20 and be done with it.
I am not sure where you got this information but I know personally not only do the feds have a database but so does the local government and because locals have it so do states. The senate hearing where Cassidy was grilling the CDC director they said the feds have access to all EHR data. You can thank Obamacare for that.
Now if a private company has the resources or access to the same data is debatable. But all vaccine records can be verified as evidenced of the fake card seller that was out of New York that the FBI arrested after not only selling fake cards but was able to enter them into the state database thus authenticating them. It was noted in the story because this person had access to the database there is no telling how many false information was entered. Now I know better and they can pull the logs for all that persons entries but news like to sensationalize stories.
Also OSHA through their new rules say that private employers records of their employees vax status is theirs as well. So there goes private business privacy. Think about how many fake cards will be found out now?
To me this is real simple who is fighting for more freedom and less freedom? And those who are taking away your freedom are obviously on the lower vibration side. Cortney you don’t have to endorse anything but you should have the guts to call out bad behavior down here just as you do up there.
I got the fact that there is no federal database from the CDC website. 2nd paragraph
But I have 4 fake cards just in case I lose any of them. Knee mandates were coming as soon as they came out with vaccines earlier this yr. A few state health dept websites had them available to print out as PDFs. Texas, Tennessee, Arkansas we’re some of them but I’ve tried to find them again and they were taken down. I still saved the one with the exact correct size if anyone wants it just post an email address and I can email you a copy of it (but of course this is for education purposes/keepsakes/historical documentation only and def should not be printed on card stock paper and def should not be filled out wink wink)
Pointing to the government as a resource saying that the government is not doing something is highly suspect. Who would use the governments excuse about ETs? In my opinion nothing the government says can be believed without several different forms of verification. And even then you have to make sure those independent verification sources are not government originated.
Another point you mentioned that the ETs have to work through humans. Well then there are humans doing stuff for or at the direction of the lower vibration ETs. SO fighting against those humans doing those things IS something we CAN do that directly fight against those lower vibration ETs. You have to be willing to identify what it is they are doing. You don't have to endorse anyone or anything but you have to be able to stand against what is wrong. This is something we can do and the more people we get to do it, and awaken then the better and higher our vibrations are.
There is good and bad and saying that good and bad does not matter on earth I think is missing a lot, because on earth is all that we can do by your own admission.
Courtney has the basics correct but what he is saying is total propaganda for the Reptilians. He needs to wake up!!! Our fight, like I have said before is with 'humans' that want to 'totally' control us!!! It is not us against alien influencers but the humans who have been influenced. To sit back and meditate is exactly what the Rep. and communists want us to do as we lose the planet ----- we will own nothing, live in small apts in citys where we support the state, travel nowhere, and be happy or they will make sure we are dead if we are not happy. One of the first things is to control everyone by mandates and reduce the population of us meditating/sleeping sheep --- the vax and future worse planedemics and vaxes will do it! Death squads will help that process and probably would have occurred but there is a faction fighting back.
The good news is 'the white hats' are getting support from the G Federation. Probably, why we still exist. Why 'enlightened RVers' have no clue of that --- I have no idea???? CB is correct there is a war going on --- nice to wake up??? It has been going on for years now!!! There have been many subsurface structures blown up, high tech weapons are in use. If anyone studies the number and size of earthquakes over the past few years it would be clear what is happening underground. Many criminal humans have been taken out already. Our major institutions across the world have been compromised (politics, judicial, msm, economic, religion, etc.) they continue to feed us propaganda to give the sheep what they need to know and believe. There is a lot going on that people will not 'see' unless they are really awake and question everything that seems totally weird (Plandemic, voting changes, Biden's admin from beginning flying in 'commercial jet vs AF1', weird climate (all set up for climate change agenda), cargo ships not being unloaded, pipelines being shut down, etc. etc. ---- all planned to see how much sheep will take)---- which is a lot because things are not really as MSM tells us or as they appear on TV/CGI/Green screen.
The information is out there, I encourage you to find it, consider it, then believe what you want! The end of this struggle is actually near although clean up may last for awhile!!! The military is and will come through. If you think Biden is in charge you need to wake up!!
Yea, it's crazy. It just feels like everything has been dumped on our heads instantly, all together. I've been researching for years, and it has been long and hard. I really had to dig deep, and still, it was like looking into a bottomless pit. The truth that I found stands. At the same time, it's "beyond words" to describe what I've been going through. Sure, I know healing takes a long time for some things....but how about something that happened in a time very long ago in some other life, which I don't remember, and why don't I remember it? but that what happened to me has affected my entire present life, and all I've been doing this life it seems, is healing from what happened to me. Anyway. Forget it. I don't know what to say. I know that Airl the Alien definitely told us some hefty information. Sure, there are things that may not be the truth. But how does one get the full truth on such a distorted planet so that everyone could understand clearly? Ha! We would all probably die of a heart-attack because the information is so horrible. So yea, let's just stick together with a positive attitude, and we'll get through this hell-hole too. Anyway, I've been listening to this video, and both guys sound really authentic and original. Just thought I'd share it.
Hi Storman, it is not about fighting and stopping what is coming.
It is about being in the right place, at the right time, doing the right thing. Just basic survival when the SHTF.
I do believe we are on the same page. The 'fight' I would say we should do is at school boards, community, social media, neighborhoods, and letting people know we do not support these communists in power or their mandates ---- short of taking the law in our own hands.
There is resistance against dictates and there should be and we should support that resistance by supporting the businesses that support the people.
Like I said, the military are doing the dirty work with the guns that have actual bullets. I have my food storage! I also don't live in a big city where all bets are off when the SHTF! Although, so much is very quiet. Hardly any sheep have any clue what is going on all around them. It was very low key a few years ago now it is going to get up close and personal because of the enormity of the mission.
I think Farsight did bring to many the truth of the Kennedy Assin. and 9/11. If you notice people like Rumsfield, and Powell 2 with the best med care in the world died recently others that people assume are alive are not --- their deaths were not reported correctly. If farsight wanted to RV how they really died they would have a great project. and see that traitors do not always go unpunished.
Also David Rockefeller.
Sheldon Adelson (major Republican donor and Zionist)
Summer Redstone (owner of CBS/paramount/ BET/ MTV etc propoganda empire)
And any day now lol soros and Kissinger
I think most people, through intuition, know the vast majority of our politicians (D, R, I, etc.) are outright crooks ----- local and national.. How bad of crooks they were will be exposed and our history will be rewritten when many of the traitors of America and outright criminals, etc. are finally exposed. In the past many got away with their theft and coming up is the time to pay the piper and it won't be dished out by our corrupt judges as many of them will be tried for treason and other crimes also. And the penalty for treason is not a slap on the hand! I am looking forward to how the American people will react.
Rather than discussing whether CB is right or not, why not focus on remote viewing what the event is or series of events are, that might determine the (horrible) future of our galaxy for a long time (whatever time may be) to come and that made the GF of Worlds decide to allocate such an enormous amount of resources to our solar system. Next project, CB?
Good point
I'm going to speculate, there are two possibilities as to how things will turn out negatively in the future.
The first scenario: Reptilians will succeed in interbreeding humanity / Humans have distinctive characteristics in terms of the ability to reproduce, find solutions and communicate with each other, and this will be reflected in the inherited elements of the hybrids, who will sweep the galaxies. The situation will be tragic for others.
The second scenario, which I think is more likely:
Trying to suppress the IS BE, will be born
Natural detour in the long run and they becomes immune to trying to prevent them from remembering, and this will lead to the emergence of a being that will not forgive those who wronged him and will lead them to eternal torment / It is the stage of the Day of Resurrection, where the people will return their memories and can return to fight everyone, the group of Reptilians will suffer the greatest torment, but The Federation of Galaxies will also be punished for not doing anything when the need arises.
Allow me to suggest a third option: AI ("the Borg") takes over biological life
The new world order/UN people have promised us/predicted 'we will own nothing but will be happy". They also mentioned and plan for a world with 'far less' people. What the crap is going on in US politics now??? Wake up!!! What is Farsight doing with the 'elephant in front of us' ??? Well one can stick their head in the sand for quite awhile, but when do we get to the obvious issues confronting our very existence as a society?? You people really consider yourself --- awake???
Yea. I like that one. The second scenario. Because I already know that by doing nothing, someone has done some grave disadvantage to the good. For example, when we didn't know that my brother had been raped as a 9 year old by a raving lunatic pedophile in the neighborhood, and my brother had caused such problems in the entire family, and if it had not been for that evil event that happened to him, he would have been a brilliant man, but because he was affected, and everyone knew something was wrong with him, even the principal of the school we were attending, and she asked me whether she could come over to talk to the family, I immediately said yes! When she was there, at home, and everyone was sitting around the dining room table, she said she will put my brother into a course of help, but that the entire family will also need therapy. And it sounded reasonable to me, because everyone had been affected by that time, since my brother had too many times come home drunk and stoned out of his mind and started fights with the family, and the guys in the family had to fight him off, to which the police were called, many times! BUT!!! What does my father say??? Oh no, not my family. I'll take care of it. He never took care of anything! Not only that, my brother never got the therapy he needed. My father was too proud to involve us all in the therapy work, and therefore NOTHING was accomplished. A few years later, my brother was dead. After that, a few more years later, and my father was dead too. The point is, if those who are capable of taking responsibility don't take responsibility, then everyone suffers! Meaning, the Federation of Galaxies indeed ARE responsible for the horrendous amount of suffering going on in this place! And if it was I who was in their place, doing the work instead, everything would be most definitely different! One can and should use the skills of their mind in order to strategize, not to make DEALS with those reptiles on how to steal babies from this planet and sell them off to others for profit!
The “chaos before new earth” was always predicted by Delores cannon and hundreds of ppl that have gone thru QHHT sessions. Welcome to the chaos. Pretty amusing time to be alive.
Michael malice nails it at the 30 sec mark.
Saw this on twitter and it embodies what I was thinking about in regards with Cortney Brown.
People who try to be acceptable to everyone will be acceptable to no one and lose themselves in the process.
People who devote themselves to betterment so that they may be more acceptable to themselves will find that they not only have allies, but also admirers.
Fascinating time to be alive. So much going on behind the scenes apparently. The data suggests/reveals this. I'd bet Courtney feels somewhat burdened with this responsibility to get this info out there. Also a privilege I suppose. Reality has caused him to look beyond ordinary "things". Very important work being done the heck out of these folk.
Its not about political parties it is about what is right. Good vs Evil. It is about truth vs lies. It seems so obvious.
Couldn’t agree more. I don’t agree with any party mainly but high and low vibration. But it has to be called out what is low vibration. And these vaccines and everything surrounding them is low vibration activity and currently they are originating from the party in power. Not to say that the other part didn’t put them in process and push them first. But that just leads back to what Cortney say it don’t matter what side both are corrupt. But right now one side is in power it’s just let’s recognize what’s low vibration and high vibration and live our lives that way.
Hey! At 21:40 they mention the name Courtney Brown and his important work!
You can see it at the Kerry Cassidy, Project Camelot link, or at Odysee, below:
In this video conference, they also use the word "Xenobiotic" (which is pronounced zeno-biotic), in reference to the un-natural electricity we are experiencing in this day. This is a link to the medical definition, and as we can see, that is not the only thing that is NOT natural in today's world:
This brilliant intuitive lady from Germany explains it correctly that the negative aliens that are attacking us, can only attack through the brain, the mind, because they are not aligned with the Heart, which is where your true protection is. So when you want to strengthen yourself, focus from your Heart area, the intuition, the silent communication, and just observe what goes on with that mind that they love to attack. Because through observing, you will find the difference between what is yours, who you are, and what is theirs, i.e. how they slyly insert themselves to make you think their thoughts are your thoughts.
That book I'm reading, Dolores Cannon's "Convoluted Universe Book 1" has an excellent example of how Farsight has already described to us in their movies how the aliens stationed far away from the planet, will control a person in charge, a priest or whatnot, through a helmet on their head, sending them thoughts and commands through it, to get a job that they want done.
There's a person who describes to Dolores the same thing, but it appeared to be he was in Egypt at the time.
The point is, they work through the mind, not the Heart. That is why you are always reminded to focus through your Heart. That's where the real power is at.
Yes, I'm currently halfway through watching the briefing and totally agree with what he's saying. All this divisive bickering only perpetuates the same low level of consciousness. It comes from the ego, so to speak. A new world must be born out of a new level of consciousness. Just watch the news and you'll see the manipulation, we've been repeating the same cycles of scapegoating and finger pointing, encouraging listeners to "shun" and "shame" rather than look within. With that said I think it is very important to stand up for what you believe in, along with the principles of free will and individual liberty. But we mustn't delve into the same divisive, egoic, finger-pointing consciousness that will only perpetuate these cycles.
I also like the shoutout to Elena Danaan, because the intel does indeed corroborate. She has been one of my favorite youtube channels to watch over the past few months, and I have both of her books. I've seen her endorse the work of Farsight as well. Some people say that she just talks about saviors but that's not true if you actually listen; the message is one of empowerment, that we must rise up and save ourselves, while at the same time asking for assistance as equals from the Federation. We must take care of the humans while they help with the other aliens, so to speak. We've obviously been receiving a lot of beneficial assistance to help counteract the negative timelines that was foreseen (including the "envoy" program, as she terms it, or what Dolores Cannon calls waves of volunteers). Megan Rose is another great contactee who claims to have been rescued by the same crew, and more long term contactees such as James Gilliland and Alex Collier have also corroborated the intel.
I think it is important to note that Elena and Megan have much in the same vein, already been "messed with" by negative groups when they were younger, so they are authorized in a sense to receive help and communication from their rescuers, The Federation. It is part of their soul contracts, and does indeed make sense as a plan of information dissemination.
Space rocks keep hitting Jupiter. What's the deal with that? ( ET Activities??)
Finished the briefing and it's interesting how he mentions the Essassani story. I've been on my own journey over the past year questioning if I've been "duped" by some of this channeled information. I stopped watching Bashar a while ago because I simply don't resonate with a lot of what he says anymore; other things he says I think are just flat out lies. 9/11 wasn't a conspiracy! The reptilians aren't predatory! No need to look at the negative! Among other things. It feels at points that he treats his audience like a bunch of little children who are too scared to hear the real truth of what's going on, and diverge from the mainstream narrative. Much of his information is indeed quite spiritually enlightening, but that is the case with a lot of channeled information with an agenda -- 90% truth, 10% lie/manipulation.
At first I tried to reconcile this with the fact that as you say Courtney, there are many different types of greys. There could be both positive and negative factions with both positive and negative agendas or experiments, and this certainly is the case with the amount of genetic tinkering that's been going on throughout our history. A more positive group such as the Essassani could have realized the error in their ways down the line and went back in time to correct the timeline, and try to align the genetic experiments towards a more positive destiny. While this still might be the case, and on some level I hope it is, I've been questioning lately if the entire thing is all part of some kind of manipulation program, and there is deliberate deception going on. Either way it's good to be skeptical, and not believe everything you're told from a "channeled entity."
This is also what Elena claims; that these groups of greys tell every planet that they infiltrate the same story, that they are a dying race desperately in need of genetic material, and get them to sign agreements to authorize these experiments (which afterwards spiral out of control) as well as build underground bases for them in which horrific things end up occurring. Apparently we were warned about this from the Federation, but the MJ-12 group signed deals with these groups anyway, essentially selling away humanity. It is up to us to stand up and nullify these agreements.
Also I'm sure you are aware of Alex Collier's information, because he claims the same thing you are saying -- that certain high councils had identified Earth as being a main focal point for the beginning of a galactic-wide tyranny centuries into the future, and that's why they are investing so many resources into helping us. Apparently, however, because of all these programs taking place assisting humanity, from the inside and out, this timeline will no longer take place and we are headed for a much more positive destiny. He verifies a lot of what Elena and Megan are saying, that we are well on the way to winning the war for the control of our planet, and that's very promising if true. But it is still up to us humans to stand up and finish the job, taking down the humans who have been influenced into steering these negative agendas, who are now largely operating without the assistance from their masters they formerly received.
I think if more people are willing to admit that they've been duped, especially regarding the narratives of the government and corporate media, and receive new information with an open mind rather than arguing from ignorance, attaching themselves to a narrow identity, we would be in a much different place as a species. Unfortunately it seems that most people care more about social agreeability than raising their consciousness and speaking the truth. Boy is humanity due for a wake up call.
Alex Collier is prob my favorite contactee. Been speaking about this for 25+ yrs and is honest when he doesn’t know an answer to a question.
Alex deserves a complimentary membership on Farsight. He had a VERY rough time.