Remote viewing UFOs and Other Mysteri , Paul H. Sm
Pual H Smith criticised Dr.Courtney Brown and he said " over sensationalised the field "
@33:40ish he mentions Cortney Brown, then refers to this is a circus. While I think that's a bit much I wouldn't call it a circus because these are real people doing the readings for CB. I do think that CB does need to focus on his intelligence briefs. I think that he could prepare better and it would show.
I just watched the video
I think that Dr. Brown offered a full response regarding this renewed criticism in his book ...
Remote Viewing: The Science and Theory of Nonphysical Perception
, and indicated that the reality of remote viewing is not separate from the phenomenon of ETs, and it is not possible to advance in the study of remote viewing without taking this issue seriously.
I understand the desire of researchers in this field to belong and be accepted in scientific circles, and their unwillingness to be classified as crazy.. They want to be accepted into the scientific tribe.
Paul is an active Mormon ----- so please understand his 'brainwashing'. He believes in a God with flesh and bones, in golden plates, resurection of the body, in prophets (that have never predicted anything specific but as long as they say what he believes), and many other things totally brainwashed people would believe in!!! He believes he is special because he is getting screwed out of 10% of his income and his work in the church so he can be a god whereas the rest of us will be servants to gods like him forever and ever!!!
As far as aliens, whether Paul has studied it or not --- one of his so called prophets (Brigham Young) said that all planets were set up to be inhabited by beings. The moon, in the 1800's, had 'beings' that dressed up as Quakers (all 6') --- so if Farsight has seen any aliens that don't look like Quakers, they are obviously misguided.
If you think this is a joke ---- truth is much stranger than what I can make up!!