Yes, the Convoluted Universe books are voluminous because Dolores was reporting the experience that her hypnotized patients had during her hypnotic sessions. And she had a lot of material for her books because people came from all over the world to see her in her little place in Arkansas; and she travelled all over the world and gather more information during these trips.
But her earlier books like a Soul Remember Hiroshima, Jesus of the Essenes, and the Nostradamus book series are not very voluminous books. The Nostradamus books are very interesting because although Dolores lived in the 20th and 21th centuries, she was able to communicate with the French seer in his time (16th century), thru a hypnotized woman who had been his student in the 16th century.
She told me that there was some order and logic in her books that was determined by someone else because some people in the US would come to see her and provide her some information about a new topic that she knew nothing about. Then, someone from Singapore for instance would come and visit her in the US and brought more information about this new subject. After that, in her trip to Russia more information about this topic came up in the hypnotic sessions held there.
The only book that I didn’t read is the one on the 3 groups of volunteers that you just finished. In fact, I didn’t even know that she had compiled the information on the volunteers into a book. I have known some information on the volunteers for a long time, and I even saw the volunteers when they started to come in mass on earth starting in the 1800s.
I’m curious to learn what Dolores said about the volunteers in her book. I know I told her that I heard the call to come here because things were really bad on earth. So, I came and incarnated here.
Later on, on my own, I learned that it was Gaia (the being whose physical body is the earth) who sent this very distress call for help. In linear time, She called for help between WW1 and WW2, when it became clear to her that her body (the earth) would be destroyed like Maldek during WW3, at the end of the 20th/beginning of the 21st century. However, in the non-linear eternal time, Gaia call for help has always been known because the destruction of earth during WW3 has always been one of the potential outcomes of WW3 on earth.
Obviously, we did very well, and WW3 was avoided because we raised the vibration frequency of earth beyond the one that would have created the war that was going to obliterate the earth. My understanding is that we didn’t have to do anything specific to positively change earth vibration, our mere presence was enough to do that.
Now, some very interesting information has been coming to me in the last year or so about the volunteers. My understanding is that these people are unusual because during their lives on earth, they have managed to remember and understand that being an IS/BE is their true state of being. SO, THEY KNOW WHO THEY ARE.
And they are called volunteers because, they volunteer to reincarnate on earth, knowing very well that it is a suicide mission since their memory will be wiped clean; and there is a risk that they may not remember that they are IS/BEs, and in that situation they would be stuck in the reincarnation wheel. However, they also understand that they are the way showers, and they have to reincarnate on earth and find their way back to their divine IS/BE selves, and show their fellow earthling brothers how to do it.
The volunteers are what Barbara Marciniak calls, the “troupe de choc" in her book Family of Life. The English translation that I get for the French "troupe de choc" is "the shock troops”, and I’m not happy with this translation because it does not carry the full meaning of the French sentence. The volunteers are the military commandos who are sent as a last resort in suicide missions to rescue their brothers who are at risk of losing their lives to eternal damnation in 3D. Currently, there are so many souls lost in 3D that the volunteers spend most of their time in these rescue missions.
In so many words, some groups of volunteers spend lifetime after lifetime reincarnating on earth to show earth people how to recover their true identity and get out of the earth sphere.