hello humans,
Non-interventionism or non-intervention is a foreign policy that holds that political rulers should avoid interfering in the affairs of foreign nations relations but still retain diplomacy and trade, while avoiding wars unless related to direct self-defense.
the idea of non-interference as showed in a last intelligence briefing is a joke to me, here is why:
1. Operation Highjump part 1 and 2, it was seen by remote viewers that there was a fight between The US soldiers and the extraterrestrial, with heavy casualties on human side.
2. Extraterrestrials build bases on Earth as we all know. If somebody would build sth in your garden how would you call it?
3. The Great Pyramid of Giza: The Mystery Solved. The pyramids were built by human hybrids and with a heavy involvement of non earth technology.
4. Moses: beyond exodus. The whole movie shows very heavy involvement of ufo.
5. The Reptilians: Here and Now. just watch it.
We are a prison planet. We were given a social structure and are allow to develop it to accommodate more prisoners. Humans population did grow from millions to billions.
So give me a break about that non-interference idea.
And last but not least.
the escape project. It cleary shows that we need to kick out reptilians from this planet by brut force with help of The Domain and GFoW.