I watched Courtney's' video on this topic
I was wondering the following could be clarified by anyone
The term "Coerced Consent"-- So if I lie to you and say "quick run down that path in the dark as fast as you can because this ticking object is a time bomb and its about to explode killing us all -- SAVE YOUR SELF- I WILL BE RUNNING BEHIND YOU SOON !! RUN FOR YOU LIFE !
So using this example - and wishing to save your self and believing me to be a kind intelligent being - you run down the only path available as fast as you can.
(The way I see it is you have decided to "save your life" taking what you believe to be a relative safe choice-- you may trip over a log but -- you have never in a million years decided to shorten your life.
But ---YOU HAVE CONSENTED TO TAKE THIS ADVICE --seeing the object had a timer on it and had red sticks that you had seen before in movies looking like dynamite.
But it was all a trick (and I made the ticking object ) - in the dark at the end of the path is a cliff and you fall off of it and die. Now as I understand it according to this LAW of Coerced Consent - you have agreed to do as told and therefor some how you have agreed to all the possibilities this would involve-- therefor one of those possibilities is to die. So apparently YOU have consented to die and I did not kill you-- you agreed to die because--one of those possibilities was for me to lie to you !
This logic could be used in any way possible-- A woman asks a friend she is with to watch her child for 30 seconds as she chases an important paper that has blown into the street. The friend turns out to be an Olympic runner who has just lost her marbles and runs away with the child never to be seen again.
So the woman agreed or consented to allow her child to be kidnapped and the woman didn't really want that child anyway and agreed to give it up !! Jeepers !! Creepers !!
So then it comes down to the information given and received.
Here is the next question-- WHO ARE THESE - Confederation of Planets people ?? I personally haven't met any at the bar. Have you ? You at least have seen me write stuff on these posts. Have you interacted with any of them. If so please enlighten me and us if you have met any.
Now there is some interaction with Farsight apparently. But as it turned out BASHAR (another RV session ) was said to be an Entity full of Love wanting only the best for humanity !
Now we have discovered at least one Lie Bashar ( a previous entity) viewed by Farsight.
And this lie was NOT discovered by FarSight. It was discovered by one of the posters ! This put a real kink in Farsights -- Bashars story of love.
Kind of a bad lie too if you ask me ! DONT WORRY ABOUT THE DEATH TRAPS-- THEY DONT EXIST " was the lie. Not a small lie !!
I guess my point is that the Alien is very able to manipulate the information obtained by the remote viewer - IF THEY CAN DETECT HIM/HER. Which it appears they can. The information as far as I can discern is not manipulated if the being does not detect the RV viewer because - they just dont see them.
If the Reptilians and Orians have coerced our leaders (and therefor us ) into building bases here then how do we know that by having the Reptilians/Orions removed we don't just substitute another race eventually just as bad ?
When the Spanish and French were driven out of north America wasn't the end result for the Indian just as bad?
What happened ? In a nutshell the opposition to the English (the Spanish and the French ) were driven out leaving North America all to the English. What was the result for the Indian ? They were put on Reservations and lost most of their land and died of disease by the millions.
Doesn't the USA have a space force now ?
Are we not telling the world what the leaders have done and are up to through Farsight ?
Hasn't the Navy been releasing videos of Alien Craft and have been seen on CNN ?
So what is all the talk about the truth will never come out ever ? I know its painfully slow !
Also aren't there more than just the Reptilians and the Orion's here ? I have heard there are others.
So with the little bit of info we have about another vastly superior group of races (at least mentally) they are saying "quick tell us --to come in and rescue you ---while there is still time" and then we will be there !! -- "Quick run as fast as you can down the path because it will save you ".
(inference here ) WHILE THERE IS STILL TIME-- could it be "While there is still time for them ? "
We have to be quick --WHY ?-- So that we will make a rash hasty decision ? That we may regret later ? The reptilians have been here for thousands of years apparently ! So just a little more information please as to why we have to give this decision so quickly ? Quick there's going to be a false flag really soon !! Ok I think that is a real possibility -- A false flag about invading Aliens has been predicted for many years on other sites. Its not new. And when that happens it will terrify the world.
So a revelation to the world about the deceptions taken by humans and Aliens would be a fantastic remedy to this predicted shock and False flag.
There are more than just the Reptilians as a danger to us in this universe - perhaps the Federation of Planets is also a great danger too. Just saying-- I need a bit more info please.
OK I here by give PERMISSION to the Federation of Planets to RELEASE ANY INFORMATION that will enlighten us and humanity as to the deception of the UFO situation - they have my personal permission to broadcast on all of our methods of media and even into humanities head in the form of audio and video so we can all be enlightened as to this hidden material.
BUT for the time being you can stay off planet - and we will see if that information will galvanize the world to tackle this problem- please leave your answering machine on if we should need your assistance in the future.
I say this in great respect to your kind offer of assistance. However wishing to take the path of discretion and care for our race we would like to visit some of your planets first and have a look around before we accept what you are telling us. We are sort of like people from "Kansas" we would like to see first before we accept just some disembodied voice out of the ether. Please take no offence to this request !
With my permission you will feel safe that I have consented and therefor do give my consent on behave of the Entire World, and you may approach your Galactic Bodies of Council and safely say to them all --that DAVE gave you the permission to do this. Please feel free to give them my name and contact info so they may contact me --after working hours --should they need a direct confirmation.
Broadcasting should not take much energy or resources on your part and you now according to my understanding of the Galaxy's Consent -- you may proceed.
Yours Respectably