So what if a micro-reincarnation is possible *inside* the death trap matrix.
Remote viewing suggests to us that the IS-BE is non-localized but a lot of NDEs and even the nature of death traps suggests that we still mostly operate locally after death. We get up out of our dead body, look around, and analyze our immediate surroundings. Is it possible that we could reincarnate before wandering off to our higher-dimensional zappers? Is there perhaps a reason why the powers that be like to encourage places of conception a very private matter but places of death not really private? Could we not potentially look around and say "oh. I can go back into that child-to-be right now"
Is that possibly the reason why we hear about these creepy satanic sex cults that have like particular places and rituals of conception, because they know that you can pre-plan the IS-BE conceived, rather than wait for the zapped ones to fall from the sky