daddy sent me to earth for pizza
he doesn't wash his hands after he eats ya
you miserable twats will learn to yield
when your viscera is strewn upon my field
Wow!!! What is your malfunction?
what's your address? i live in minneapolis and i think we can better resolve this disagreement in person. message [email protected] with your current address . if you don't email the aforementioned address we will find you regardless. the time for disrespecting his word is at an end. you will beg for death, but death will not come.
You like children? Why are you here? On this forum if you're not going to be respectful?
I mean no harm to you. But you should grow up! This stuff isn't a joke.
I know what this term pizza means and it's sick
LOL it's sick? what a hot take. i see that you still have not emailed me AS I REQUESTED. see you real soon. i have many, many pizza creations to share with you.
This is what is called an internet Troll -- I will advance my "Breeding and Nesting habits of Trolls" post to give you an Idea of what you are dealing with. It will appear at the top of the posting line soon when I find it. Its been a while since I posted on that line.
this is me passing the baton to you, David. i'll remember this!