I would like to share some thoughts that have emerged watching the RV sessions. First let me state some facts and observations:
- In several of the sessions there is recognition of the viewers "Lighting up" procedures by the observed entities.
- Usually with alien entities.
- Sometimes there is even telepathical conversations resulting from this
- The aliens react to it and even alter their behaviour. et. hiding certain areas
- Usually these observed events are in our past
- These entities seldomly seem very surprised. It is something that they seem familiar with. At most, they are surprised that is a human doing it.
Second I would like to state some of my own assumptions deducted from the multitute of sessions.
- RV is obviously possible, and in theory anyone can do it. But even the Farsight remote viewers, as trained and experienced as they are, most likely only scratch the surface of what is actually possible with regards to it. As the alien in the last Noahs Arc session is expressing towards Aziz, we are handicapped in sorts. And on top of it we distract ourselves with sensory input.
These facts and assumptions lead me to some interesting and confusing implications and raise a ton of question:
- Essentially, if interaction with entities in the past is possible, this becomes more than just "viewing" but actually non physical time travel.
- That automatically leads to the question, are the viewers at that moment merely closing a timeloop? Has the original entity in the past also seen the viewer at the time of the event?
- Or is an invers new timeline triggered by that interaction?
- If they know they can be observed remotely, how does it affect their actions?
I have a ton more weird conclusions. Can´t concentrate enough right now to write them all down. But essentially all of this ties a lot into the simulation theory. Not as that we are living in an illusion, but that events and timelines can be observed from an outside perspective and then altered and run again and again. Like a recursive algorithm. Essentially the same thing we are doing with machine learning. And that the true "war" is mulit-timelined.
In one of the sessions, I don´t remember which one, there was an observation of an underground time bubble in which time passed slower. Also plays into this whow theme.
What do you guys think?
Love and Light from a German currently living in China