When , if ever, do you guys think we’ll have the technology to choose our own physical forms within this realm/ planet ? With the singularity approaching in 2045 approximately, things scientifically are moving extremely fast. What are you guys’ thoughts ?
In what CONCEIVABLE universe, would controlling your physical form POSSIBLY be bad? Health= looks biologically speaking. What do you mean incentivize your health?! Wouldn’t someone attractive and healthy actually have something to preserve and be motivated to protect? As opposed to someone say 400 lbs and suffering from diabetes and cancer etc?
Sorry to be so blunt but, that’s BAFFLING that there’s anyone that thinks not being enslaved and trapped in a random body with random genetics is somehow desirable as opposed to being pure slavery
You act as if looking after your health is an ends within itself , when it’s not. It’s a means to an end and that is to feel and LOOK good.
That’s like saying we shouldn’t invent planes because our ancestors took 5 month boat voyages across the sea and risked scurvy and that taught them life lessons lol.