conjecture and guess work
I notice a comment about a pointed structure which seemed to be the Washington monument (perhaps) and description of a large hole nearby with bodies in the hole. It seems to me the site with the hole is perhaps the White House.
To me this predicts an explosion and then bodies perhaps are from from an assembling crowd. Perhaps for a demonstration ? So to me there is going to be an big demonstration by one side who didn't like who won the election.
Also 2 days later it appears there is a nuclear attack ( or rather as I listen on) it seems like it wants to be taken as a nuclear attack. Bones seen- devastation
it seems there must be a protest at Washington DC after the election. An explosion occurs likely at the White House- 2 days later a second massive attack happens on the city
A female is attacked (or possibly a long haired male) seen by Asiz - What said to be to blame by the crowd ? A political figure ?
Aliens are seen over head and involved.
A secret operation is taken out by one of the Alien groups likely by the allied alien group who has now been betrayed by the Reptilians. These operations are to retrieve something . There are multiple somethings inside several buildings. Perhaps technical objects that produce a certain frequency that influence those within it. What ? Something if discovered would prove they were involved. Operation takes place while the chaos takes place of the burning city. They must be very important in order to put their team at risk.
This means some technology is placed in important buildings- to influence or to listen in on or to surveil in some way . It needs to be found right away. 100 men/women need to identify 10 important buildings -ones where important meetings are happening regularly.
At night and in secret- every floor board needs to be tapped with fingers or metal objects. Looking for things out of place, or that should sound like metal or wood but do not sound right. Dental hooks need to be raked into every crevice as their are nano objects that we have even now that can slide into cracks and crevices.
Then 10 must come in with night vision goggles and light out to look under every chair and inside every box and onto every electrical line-- find what objects are being retrieved.
Then they need to find the maintenance man because that is the one who would never be questioned about going into cubby holes and closets etc. that has placed these objects and see if they are really human. ( That person works there as a federal employee and goes into several buildings as a roaming maintenance man in all likely hood ) He would be posing as married and should have a wife also doing similar work. If ever there were to be hybrids in an area -Washington DC should be crawling with them.
I was once a maintenance man - I usually worked alone and had access to all back nooks and areas and would roves into offices- I had access to computer rooms and telephone rooms and worked day or night. no one stopped and questioned me not even security.
Looks like Reptilian's want to start a World War between humans- AND PERHAPS humans are INVOLVED TOO. IE the Chinese or the Russians (there are others too) but it was organized by the Reptilians.
Better hope this time line is stopped
why does the reptilian answer Asiz ? Answer- because for the reptilian who is being contacted in the future ---the event has already happened in his future--- and cannot be stopped. By creating this event we may be able to escape his future--ie the world of the destroyed Washington city event If - only if the reaction to the explosion is NOT to start WW3-- the explosion probably cant be stopped--from happening in our timeline.
In other words there will be an Earth that has been destroyed and re-enslaved (in a parallel universe) but we may be able to stop that for our time line.
By creating this kind of future for earth the Reptilian wins and has an Earth to conquer and then can dial it up with his space craft and go there -- to that conquered Earth. His race achieves this because they can move from one dimension to another. This assumes a multiple universe theory. This is even being postulated now by scientists.
There is a theory out there that the 2020 election was stolen. Russia Gate is now coming out as a fake story all controlled by the Clinton campaign. It could be possible that the evidence for a stolen election of 2020 FINALLY comes out. I personally don't know what to believe about this. But it sure would cause a massive division between groups.
I would guess that the explosions cannot be stopped because the Reptilian can appear from another dimension and deliver his weapon. The only thing that can be done is to evacuate the city before hand and then NOT REACT BY STARTING WW3. A peace with China and Russia must be forged at that point.
BUT HERE IS ANOTHER IDEA- What if all other major city's have been hit as well ? Moscow, Beijing etc ? Stopping a war could only be stopped if Remote viewing is done world wide NOW.
Also there appear to be 2 alien groups involved. One group doesnt care if they have been seen and remote viewed -- the other pretends to not have not have noticed. Why are they being deceptive ? They are pretending to be human (humans cant tell they are being viewed for the most part).
For our world we may be able to have another future --one where WW3 is stopped and Earth is free.
Perhaps that's how it works