First off, this observation is not urgent. Just wanted to share.
Did anyone else make the connection between what Aziz observed on Mars- specifically that there are insect-like people living there- and the classic sci fi books turned movie, John Carter on Mars? In Edgar Rice Burroughs' series there is the central, green martian species that has two legs and four arms, as well as mouth-tusks that aren't dissimilar to insect mandibles. They also lay eggs matching Aziz's description.
These intelligent insect beings witnessed by Tony Rodrigues, were also described by Randy Cramer, Penny Bradley, and other SSP abductees, not to mention Elena Danaan. I guess I'm saying that it's either a funny coincidence, unconscious telepathy on the part of Burroughs, or another example of specific information being seeded by ETs into the minds of science fiction storytellers.