CB: Alright Intysam. I want to thank you so much for coming by and having this interview type session. This is for ET News for the publication date starts in the month of March – somewhere in the month of March – and it moves forward for 30 days after the publication date – and this is ET News.
I’ve looked at this session briefly and it looks really interesting.
So why don’t you start off. We’ll skip the preliminary ideograms and start at page Four.
What do see is going on with this event?
Alright so, at first glance I was picking up irregular typography – so there were slight hills – and then a city, so lots of structures.
I could sense subjects although I couldn’t really see them, I could sense them here.
And the air, the atmospherics here, were very thick. I deducted ‘toxic’ because it was really, really thick.
Yeah, just an urban area and what seems like a harsh natural environment.
CB: So, on page 5 you have a sketch of this environment. That is quite a non-surface structure.
INTYSAM: Yes, a big one with the urban area beneath it – it’s quite high up there – you can see the irregular topography in this sketch. Lots of structures. The closer I got to the structures, they’re not all square like I’ve portrayed them here, they’re all very, very interesting shapes.
CB: do you remember if it looked more like human style architecture?
INTYSAM: If it was human style architecture, it wouldn’t be anywhere in the West. It had triangle tops, and there were some circular tops. So, it could be human.
CB: Triangle tops remind me of Russia, Turkey, Middle East, Thailand – things like that.
OK, so what do you have on page 6? It looks like we’re getting close-up to stuff.
INTYSAM: Just the base surface – no water here. So, it does feels very dry, like a very dry environment.
Again, with the heavy air, the thick atmospherics.
Multiple structures. So pretty city like – it felt like a city.
Subjects inside – some outside.
What was a little weird about this was how few subjects there were outside, because there’s tonnes of subjects in this area.
But it’s kind of like those horror movies and their like ‘where is everybody’ – that’s kind of what it felt like. Empty, very few subjects moving around.
And that one large surface structure.
And focusing in on the subjects – a lot of the subjects were in a focused gathering in a particular structure – so I deducted a congregation.
CB: At least some nonhuman subjects inside that group?
INTYSAM: Yeah – I could see some non-human.
CB: They look very human in your sketch. So, were some of them human, and were some of them nonhuman?
INTYSAM: I wouldn’t be able to say. I think um, I could look at them.
CB: I see. But you have this huge non-surface structure – circular type shape above.
I must admit the sketch looks very earthy.
Let’s go onto Page 8 – what do you see going on page 8
INTYSAM: More or less the same thing – multiple structures, a bunch of subjects in one particular structure – very few outside.
The whole are ais quite dim. But this non surface structure is emitting light underneath it.
It was here is where I picked up it was emitting vibrational energetics. I couldn’t put my finger on it because I could feel the energetics when I was probing. But I couldn’t tell exactly where it was coming from, but once I saw the light and I was investigating, then I could sense it was vibrating near or underneath this large non surface structure
And it is just hovering right there. It’s pretty stationary above the urban area.
CB: While you’re describing all of this, I’m looking at page 9 which is your sketch. Does that really cover everything you were saying?
INTYSAM: Yeah, there you go - with the domes. This sketch is a view inside the non-surface structure. When I did my 3rd flash sketch, that’s what I got.
It was looking at the view from inside the non-surface structure. There are these subjects – the shape of their heads, you can see they’re kind of bulbous. Are they Greys? And they’re operating, tinkering with little buttons and stuff, and if you look on the corner bottom right corner you can see what seems to be Reptilians which are just observing.
CB: This is inside the non-surface structure, is that right?
INTYSAM: And what you’re seeing through that view port is the urban area below the non-surface structure.
CB: And there’s vibrational energetics coming out of the urban area. Did that feel like it was being caused by the non-surface structure?
INTYSAM: I think so. Yeah, on page 8 you can see I deducted ‘earthquake’ so I was feeling those energetics on the ground – yeah but, this non surface structure was emitting light and I could feel there was some energetics, so – I just can’t say for sure.
CB: Okay, the reason I was wondering is because; Is there some type of vibrational thing that the non-surface structure is beaming down onto the populace to control their emotional state or is it something that they’re just watching and it happening with earthquake stuff?
let’s go onto Page 10. You’re moving now to the centre of the target. What do you pick up there?
INTYSAM: So, centre of the target is the urban area with are the structures which are uniquely shaped – many subjects – and most of them in this one particular structure.
And then the large non-surface structure that’s above the urban area – and here I did say that it seems to be emitting energetics – the light and the energetics can be like you see one and – I don’t know, I don’t know …
CB: I get the idea, but you’re also saying that the surrounding area of the urban centre is hard, dry environment. So that makes me think Middle Eastern, Turkey or something like that.
INTYSAM: It could be, I have no idea.
CB: Yeah, we have no idea. But it’s hard, dry environment – it doesn’t sound like Ukraine or anything like that.
Let’s go onto page 11. You’re looking to the Target activity. What’s going on there?
INTYSAM: so, the activity here is very little physical movement coming from subjects on the ground surface. Most of the activity is coming from inside the structure where there seems to be a crowd.
And then I did a collective deep mind probe to find out what exactly was the activity going on. And the subjects in that structure are definitely feeling fear and they’re stressed.
CB: Now, this is the Subjects in the surface structure?
INTYSAM: Yeah – and they were huddling as well.
CB: Fear, stress, and huddling – and the non-surface structure seems to be emitting light and vibrational energetics?
INTYSAM: yeah, and inside it I could see species like Greys and Reptilians and then I did a deep mind probe of the grey subject – of course I’m going to pick the less intimidating of the two species (laughs).
So, this grey subject is just following orders. These are one of the ones who is operating the machinery – operating the non-surface structure.
And I could see they were retrieving information from the base surface below. And also instilling fear and to subdue subjects. Is that why subjects were huddling and fearful and stressed?
CB: yeah, that what I was already about. the vibrational energetics you were perceiving - I was wondering if they were being beamed onto them – now I’m seeing that they are instilling fear to subdue the subjects. So those vibrational energetics were possibly instilling emotional kind of things.
INTYSAM: Yeah, I wrote ‘the vibrational energetics does not destroy the structures but causes an earthquake type of occurrence that make subjects feel very afraid.
CB: So, it maybe that the energetics is not directly affecting, or maybe only directly effecting the minds, but actually effecting the environment that then effects the minds.
INTYSAM: Yeah, ‘because I could feel it. Putting myself out there on the surface, I could feel the shaking.
CB: Ok let’s move onto page 12 where you’re going onto the Target Event.
INTYSAM: The event I could feel was surrounding the subjects inside the non-surface structure. To me it felt like they were searching for maybe a particular subject or trying to squash something like an ideology or activities of certain subjects on the surface. And I could also sense that this non-surface structure has made frequent visits to this surface area. And I wrote down ‘scare tactics.
CB: Scare tactics – so this is psychological warfare of some type. Interesting. Psychological manipulation of some type.
Why don’t you go to your last sketch – it seems to be wide angle – on page 15.
INTYSAM: so, page 15, the hilly environment, the structures on top of it, the large non surface above this area. So, a little to the south there was like a large hole – a pretty, pretty large hole.
And then you can see these thick atmospherics – this dust cloud – it’s like encapsulating this urban area.
CB: So, the possibility exists that this non-surface structure possibly actually causes some earth changes, or at least something on the ground, so that the air and maybe the land get effected by it.
INTYSAM: Yeah, it shakes things up for sure.
CB: Plus, a dust cloud.
I guess what I’m getting from this is that the non-surface structure with the Reptilians and Greys are actively involved with manipulating the psyche of the subjects on the ground.
INTYSAM: Yeah. Nothing new, right – we know it’s possible.
CB: It’s interesting to see how it’s being done from the ships.
Alright Intysam – do you have any final thoughts on the session.
INTYSAM: No that pretty much concludes my data for this session.
CB: Well, I want to thank-you so much for this ET, News. We get a glimpse into what the ETs are doing. They watch us so it’s only right that we watch them. So, I want to thank you so much.
INTYSAM: Thank-you.
End of Session