There was only one Prime Creator that made seven fee Male spirits. They "cooperatively" created one-thousand Michael's each with 7 fee-Male spirits. They then manifested on the 3-D plane a double planetary system named Zeta Renticulum with gold/silver beings that destroyed both worlds in civil wars. Now grey/greens at the DUMB near Dulce New Mexico doing the Cattle Mutilations. The next manifestation was the Reptilian and Insectoid races on different planets. All three had telepathic abilities. At this point in time the 1000 Michael's and mates incarnated for 300,000 years each time upon the moving system Nemesis/Niburu. This was by orders from the Prime Creator to spread Human life on many worlds. He then used to "re-incarnate" created spirits through these different types of bodies until they reach the Human stage. Then hearing of a coming day of judgement. On this day only the created Males stand in self-judgement and not the accompanying 7 fee-Males. If found worthy, then all 8 receive Eternal Life and a planet to begin this "re-incarnation process" to occur on their own baby spirits, raising them up until they reach their own day of judgement. On this day the same happens and only the best move-up! In this way the Prime Creator is "replicating" itself in time. Karmaic rules are designed to correct behavioral problems. The migits/dylexics gays/lesbein and now transexual/transgenders are all examples of this technique.
A while ago the Creator came to Abram asking him to sacrifice his only son Isaac, so he agreed. Before he could put Isaac in the fire God said, STOP! Because You would do this for me, I shall make Your descendants like the stars in the sky tonight. In 1776-1976 God fulfilled his promise to Abraham by PROTECTING this country from traitors within and invaders from without. E now need to abolish all pagan holidays including birthdays, then celebrate only the Seven Mosaic Feast Days found in the Old Testament of the Bible. If this is done there will be Peace for one-thousand years! If not, then there will be a recalling of God's elect (rapture) before China invades and takes-over. The Choice is our Voter's to make soon.
True that is, concerning the day of self-judgement now. Always was in question how the female played into this scenario.
Is this from the Urantia book?