From the start there was only one Prime Creator that made seven fee Male spirits. They "cooperatively" created one-thousand Michaels each with seven fee Male spirits. The 8008 spirits then manifested on the 3-D plane a double planetary system named Zeta Renticulum with Gold/Silver beings that destroyed both worlds in civil wars. Next manifested was the Reptilian and Insectoid races on different planets. All three have been given telepathic abilities. At this point in time the 1000 Michaels and mates incarnated for 300,000 years each time, upon the moving system Nemesis/Nibiru in order to seed the planets with Human life. This was by orders from the Prime Creator. It was to establish different forms of life so that "spirits" could be "re-incarnated" through these different body's eventually reaching the human stage, then hearing of a coming day of judgement. On this day only the Males stand in self-judgement and not the accompanying seven fee Males. If found worthy then all 8 receive Eternal Life and a planet to begin to raise-up their own baby spirits through the "re-incarnation" process until they reach their day of judgement. When that day arrives the same happens and only the best move-up! This is the way the Prime Creator is "replicating" itself in time.
In the "re-incarnation" process individuals can earn with each lifetime either good or bad Karmaic returns! To view ones own material wealth without considerations concerning were this came from, is like walking blind folded through life. Others knowing the skills, can then use this to make more rather than less of this capitol to invest further. The migits and dyslexic gays/lesbeins and now the transgender/transexuals are all examples of this Negative Karmaic returns! Although there is still time to correct the behavior this now needs to be brought out and fully explained. Control can be used to benefit or harm another. We need to help each other understand. This is what this planet is for, rather than being referred to as a "prison planet." It is the last stop in material experiences for us all now, before the big day arrives!
Many examples of how to behave are gone from the childhood of many now days. Even the television set portrays the role of men and women as different than just a few years ago! What is needed is to re-establish roles in relationships that are beneficial to both and to a family if desired. The realization of the added problems, only now increases the need to advance rather than waste away! The three main religions being Roman Catholic Jewish Islam are nothing more than modern-day scams to take money from their own faithful. A true meaning to the individual is now being revealed and taught in hopes of a bright future yet to come soon. If a new concept can replace the old heaven/hell scenario then many will survive.