Neuroscience Explains Why Secrecy Works with UFO
Nice find AhMeD
I could have quoted about half of the article.
" MA said: 9quote) "More importantly, the tendency of the human mind to disregard stories that are incomplete or don’t make sense explains why the vast majority of the public, when faced with the topic of UFOs, don’t think about them at all."
And then there are the believers - and their stories and interpretations of the stories - the constant search trying to find the missing links, the exposed and hidden truths. Its like Never Ending Story without an ending.
another quote from the article:
"Burton uses neuroscience to explain why we can be such suckers for false stories. He writes:
“Because we are compelled to make stories, we are often compelled to take incomplete stories and run with them.”
When presented with an easily understandable story that feels plausible, in Burton’s words, “we earn a dopamine ‘reward’ every time it helps us understand something in our world—even if that explanation is incomplete or wrong.”
Another key reason these cover stories have been so effective is that the government is usually able to conceal any evidence that would help the true and more complex story eclipse the cover story. The Mantell cover story would collapse if any hard evidence he was not chasing a balloon were to surface in the press. Keyhoe, being a good journalist, tried to unearth that evidence:
“Had Mantell told Godman Tower more than the Air Force admitted? I went back to the Pentagon and asked for a full transcript of the flight leader’s radio messages.
I got a quick turn-down. The reports, I was told, were still classified as secret. Requests for pictures of the P-51 wreckage, and for a report on the condition of Mantell’s body, also drew a blank. I had heard that some photographs were taken of the Godman Field saucer from outside the tower. But the Air Force denied knowledge of any such pictures.”
All they have to do is subtract out the key pieces of the full story that make it impossible for a listener to complete the pattern. Without those pieces, our brains push us in the direction of the next available option - the cover story.
Its a good read - and possibly something that we deal with everyday over many years on this topic.
Sometimes answers and the truth are very slow to come to light, to realize, or recognise - it can be personal decades and a lifetime of assessing and accepting stories - and then another one comes along to deal with.
It is interesting that some branches of academia are directed toward examining social narratives and deconstucting them. You can learn in the academic study of philosophy, sociology, political science, psychology, language studies and linguistics for example, how and why these perceptual glosses are created to serve the needs of the powerful. Academics have been able to expose and explain the deliberate shaping and management of human consciousness and beliefs. Safe in the realm of academia the tools for the deconstruction of social and cultural artefacts are simply not accessed by most people; except the powerful who learn to great effect how to ever increase their grip over us through the control of ideas. So imaginary concepts like countries and nations and race and the a priori value of money and so on persist unchallenged in most people's minds. Self-referencing ideologies that maintain an internal coherence create perceptions of reality that seem self-evident. A consensus reality is established that cannot be challenged without derision and rejection.
The tricks of manipulating popular consciousness and perception go back as far as we have records. Plenty of material in ancient Greece and ancient Rome about all this. These systems were scientifically studied and formulated with ever greater sophistication in the great age of building modern nation states in the 19th Century and put to work with great effect as mass media and growing literacy were added to the arsenal of the elites. Ironic, we swallow their propaganda but do not learn the explanations, available in public libraries, of how our reality is created for us.
So here we have a great account of how the damn UFOs that fill our sky, there to be seen by anyone who makes an effort, are still denied or danced around by the authorities. I went out the other day, deliberately looking for UFOS, and saw one of the classic orbs. I filmed it for a few seconds and frame by frame analysis revealed four more orbs that were moving too quickly or were too faint to be noticed in playback at normal speed. If I can do this on purpose then it is obvious that our state security managers have mountains of material. NORAD must have Terabytes of stuff. And they blow us off with ease when we ask. Things are only true when the clever man in a suit on the television says so with pictures as proof.
And all we know about the clever man on television is that he can read.