RV Target: 2142-6903
Again, another target.
Suggested reveal date is June 9 in the same thread.
RV Target: 2142-6903
Again, another target.
Suggested reveal date is June 9 in the same thread.
Again, feel free to submit your RV session either directly in this forum, or you could email me [email protected]
Thank-you so much for the new RV Target Tazz
- will send as soon as finished.
Hi Tazz - Reading is done - will send to you as soon as pics are finished - its 6.30am - sorry this might be just past deadline. Can you hold posting what the Target is please.
Will also update here as soon as I send it off to you.
Cheers and Thanks!
Sure! Gonna delay a day or two. Thanks!
Remote Viewing submission has been sent to Tazz
AU time 8.00pm approx - Saturday 11th June 2022
Thanks Tazz
(I'm on limited time at the moment so I'll just post what I initially wrote without adding any comments for now)
TARGET SCRIPT: The Viewer will view the Tasker during months of May & June 2022. Tasker's email is [email protected]
COMMENTS: Again, this is just another test target, to see how much accuracy RVer's are able to pull up. I will easily be able to verify the accuracy of what they say because well . . . it's me. Sorry, I don't mean to absorb attention but I feel like I might as well make myself the guinea pig for this experiment.
I only had a brief amount of time to do a very cursory session, but what I got indicated the target is a subject that I would perceive as intelligent and charming. The subject seemed unaware I was exploring them as a target. While now that the target has been revealed and while my data is complimentary (pun intended), I apologize that it is not incredibly useful or actionable. I do appreciate the practice on a blind target under major time constraints so thank you!
Hi Jordan, as much as I appreciate the sentiment: I must confess that from what I know about myself, your session may have not been entirely successful. ;)
However, I hope you continue to try these. Myself I've done very few attempts at RV and I'm starting to see why our community greatly needs some taskers.
It would be interesting if your session started with an adult male. That is a very specific amount of accurate detail for a blind target, and I would suspect that's more than coincidence. Especially considering there probably aren't a large amount of folks doing these. Maybe next time, you can even just post your initial random guess when you see the numbers. See what happens.
Sorry, accidental repeat posts
Actually, while I still have a moment, I want to commend Del for really taking this on. I don't know if I would be doing this still if it wasn't for Del. That would have been 4 posts in a row that wouldn't have been taken on by anyone else. If you the reader believe anything that Farsight is saying, then you're inclined to agree that it's really imperative that we *start practicing this stuff asap!!*
Although I cannot reveal any plans for upcoming targets because that would defeat the purpose of ensuring a blind RV, I can say for sure that targets such as this one will be very minimal. I like to occasionally put in something similar to Frodo in his competition with Gollum asking "what is in my pocket? If you can answer that you win." So this was one of those tests.
For the more serious targets, I am definitely hoping to follow along the lines of Farsight, asking questions like: Are we really in a prison? What are the confines? Can we genuinely escape? How? What enemies to watch out for? What can be a resource?
. . . etc.
And again I want to encourage fellow readers to attempt the targets. If you are reading this forum in any capacity, for any reason at all, it wouldn't really hurt to give targets a shot as well while you're here. You don't have to jump in the deep end. You can wade in a sort of half-serious attempt to get your feet wet. If someone else decides they would like to post targets in a similar fashion (getting someone like Courtney to have kind of "peer review" access) then I will for sure want to give it a try as well.
This was a great Target, and I really appreciate the time and thought you put into it all.
I really think Tazz is a good Tasker!
This time (when I post my session) I think everyone will see something which went off the rails - I hope I haven't scared the cr@p out of Tazz for the next month.
When I put the Session up, you will see what I mean.
The session will be posted at the end of June seeing that the Remote Viewing timeline was to include the month.
Tazz may also have some time to comment after that on the session when the timeline is complete.
Regarding my level of Target accuracy of the Remote Viewing session - I can assess my methods and information and try to find where adjustments or more focus should be made. It would be great to have some peer review after the reading has been done - but its still good to just lay it out on the table - regardless of what has been viewed.
I am going to add something to this post as well - a bit left field and that will be posted to Tazz before the month is out.
I would also like to add (for those who are thinking of doing the Targets) this is a really good way to just jump in.
I am sorry I have been so late on this reply - I have been totally distracted - I apologize.
Here is the remote Viewing Session I did
For what its worth, I'm not sure if it touches on anything related to or of the Target.
In a message header that went with my submission I mentioned this -
"Not sure how I feel I went with this one - but it is what it is.
Lets see. I felt I wasn't over the Target given, but I feel I was over an aspect of the Target."
The Target for the session was: TARGET SCRIPT: The Viewer will view the Tasker during months of May & June 2022.
So here is where my Remote Viewing Session went sideways - but that is my opinion with no feedback presently (as is supposed to be). I wondered how this viewing possibly relates to the Target. I do find the Viewing interesting though.
What is posted below is exactly what I posted to Tazz -
Note: I had to edit this post as I got the code wrong for the photos - so I had to fix it so it aligned with what was posted to Tazz.
Please leave your comment below as well.
DATE: 10TH JUNE 2022
Words: Black Triangle – speed – moving – swiftly along
I see a non-surface structure - black triangle moving slow – slowly – almost hovering –
Darkness surrounds the object – deduction night
Its like I am looking through a dark film of translucent barrier –
A dark smokey overlay – I can see the tops of very tall buildings of a dense city
Red Haze, Ombre Dust, orange dust,
Throat dry, chest, chemical
Gas – geometrics – structures – Overlay in Black – smoke - dust
No sound
Picture: depicting triangle over dense structures – city – haze orange black dark
I am at an elevation above a city
Tall structures
Densely packed
The structures seem to be/are on an angle
Things leaning
Picture: Leaning Buildings
Jagged edges – steel, iron, pointed edges, openings in structures, tangled steel – up high
Dark, night, smokey overlay over the buildings
Picture: jagged steel – triangle overhead
The next thing I see – oblong flashing lights running along a line in a round elliptic shape on a black background
Running- Flashing – Blinking – Rotating – patterned
Cannot deduct if it is a non-surface structure or high up on or above a manmade structure
The lights fade
Black triangle
_Round – domed – lights (original drawing)
Picture: Round – domed – lights (cropped drawing)
VISUAL 2 into Visual 3
Now in the Interior of the man-made large, tall structure made of natural texture like stone
Domed Top – roof - high above – ornate – clear with cross patterns - patterned
I see stair like going around the interior of the dome
Very large building – feels relevance (reverence?) significance – official – represents institution – deductions: gallery - religious
Architecture – Old – interior tall pillars of natural stone – soft light comes in
Squares and domes
There are subjects in this large building/structure
The subjects are dressed finely – somewhat overly formal
Subjects are both male and female –
Subjects look happy – one subject I see has like a long stick – deductions: walking cane or something
I can see a painting on the wall – of people in an earlier era – deduction Edwardian Elizabethan Renaissance
This visual has an overlay of a black smokey tint – dark hue
I am seeing orange type flickering colours through the black – on the floor level
I hear like a whistling sound
Very chaotic – Chaotic – subjects on floor – running - shock
There was a huge explosion that seemed to come out from down - there seems to be a fire and an explosion burst of grey dust coming out from the inside of the structure –
There seems to be dust - I’m seeing dust
…This has something to do with that black triangle
Everything seems to be covered in this black – this dust – its not a dust – it’s a film or filter - black film
I can smell like lead and like wood – leadwood or something
I am outside of the structure now
All I can sense is the tall building – lots of domes – I can see domes – high architecture
There are domes – tall ceilings – very huge.
I feel like I’m in a very built up area and something has happened here
– looking down at it from a height
Pylons – angles –
The black non surface structure with the lights - going around
Picture: Explosion
Rough hard surface under my feet - On solid flat land -
Travelling in the darkness – very dark
Scratches on my lens – fine lines in the air and these moving lights
I see shapes forming and things whizzing past me – really fast
Small pointy things – moving past me very fast
I’m ducking – low to ground
A really large black space – maybe at night – deduction
Lots of physical pain – shoulders – carrying - strain – weight – crushing
Little broken things – glass shards (deduction) – little triangle things – broken things
Moving about 200 – 300 feet – travelling
Can see a coastline – quite rocky
Colour is like orangey sandstone – yellow – grey – blackish – dark rugged
Land environment – meets wet environment – black wetness –
the ocean is black(?) – the water is black – blackseas
Picture: Black water meets hard level topography
Hard to find - I have a corridor to a entrance
I’ve got a box shape – it looks like a glass frame in a wall - but it has 2 box containers behind it
There is something secret in the box – seems clear
I’m in a room in darkness looking through the frosted barrier
Drawing the window
Glass window – frosted – with little squares – with 2 shelves and 2 containers sitting on these shelves – it’s a very confined area – very confined
Like a window in a dark room – 2 boxes containing something - secretive
DRAWING OF WINDOW and corridor leading to room with window
Picture: security window with 2 boxes on shelves
Picture: Corridor to room
Shape – Natural and Manmade
Picture: Additional visual ending – Manmade - Natural
(I wrote on the page, not sure when I wrote it (where in the session) Fire @ the Vatican – Rome Burns
Overlay: Rome, Israel, Russia, USA – cities of the Domed Buildings
An Event Time Stamp.