I have just looked at the abstract. This is my immediate thinking on this subject: The underlying premise seems indirectly to be that RV is a "physical process" meaning that it is something that can be measured and modelled using our current human scientific understanding of fields. The existence of RV as a kind of field phenomenon is implied by the fact that a generated field can obstruct Remote Viewing. In connection with this idea Dick Algyre once suggested that something like a Faraday cage was blocking his perception of a target connected with the Farsight investigation into the 9/11 events.
I really do not know anything much about this approach but it is interesting. Courtney has mentioned many times that there are instruments used by ETs to boost their neurological influence on biological organisms. I cannot recall if he has suggested that ET RV can be enhanced by the use of equipment.
I am fascinated because I hold the opinion that our science has succeeded by being an inherently coherent idea system that is valued because it can reliably enable us to impact the material world in predictable ways. I am very doubtful of its ability to model the universe or the 'nature of reality'. Science imposes a predetermined expectation of reality on reality. It sets the human as the yardstick of all things. If a thing is not deemed to exist or be possible then it is not researched, it cannot be researched. When they occur, 'impossible' data is discarded. Our mathematical systems are 'confounded by infinity'. That is not the whole story as many scientists believe we have to start all over again after the postulation of dark energy and dark matter. Quantum theory challenges the 'common sense' view of reality experienced by humans but its mind bending conclusions have not been allowed to penetrate the popular imagination. It is too dangerous.
So that is a bit convoluted. Sorry. I am astonished that fields can impact a local RV target and not RV targets spanning aeons and galaxies full of electromagnetic impediments. One alternative suggestion - was it the intent to obstruct RV by the researchers that caused interference and the presence or not of of weak magnetic fields a mere incidental factor? I wonder if a control was carried out with say a carrot instead of a magnetic field? The experiment could be further controlled by not allowing the researcher to know if a field or a carrot was being applied. I should read the whole paper I guess to see what controls were applied.