If this inappropriate Courtney feel free to delete. What does everyone thing of this? Not in terms of it's credibility - which I have no reason to discredit this. But could there be some benefit in some of the healthy practices that he does? Could we extend our lives by many years by incorporating some of these practices without going so far as he has - in joining the experiment that he is a part of?
farsight intel briefing 6/22 Mystery of age&health
Kevin Miner the reason for Courtney's youthful appearance is due to his receiving the information concerning the Cancer problem today. The new-molecular South-spun Electron Fluid Concept now dove-tails with the 1974 discovery by research science of the Seven Year Cellular Rebuild Cycle in the human system, now making it possible to remain in the body for up to one-thousand years this time around. Since the YouTube does not allow these videos to be placed here, there is another way to view them! Go to: www.youtube.com/c/DavidLKaas "Click" the Videos Button, then "A New Cure for Cancer" (and) "A New Cure for Cancer and everything else!" Do Not Eat Micro-waved products since they induce Stomach Cancer to occur. All of the FOX news team Laura Ingel and The Five have been doing this and are now showing the results! Sean Hannity Heraldo Rivera and Greg Gutfeld are all getting color back. Look at Judge Jeanine Pierro? Courtney and his son Aziz are proof that this works now. But our Medical Science has been overtaken.
Courtnes' way is very radical.
Ray Kurzweil has another way. He describes his very balanced diet and supplements and how to avoid health issues.
I find both facinating.
I suppose harvesting own stem cells, cultivating them before returning will be coming soon for life extention. (I'm a stem cell donor for a cancer patient.)
Anyone ever hear of this method?
**3 days of complete darkness (produces melatonin) , being brought before the rising sun for 5 mins (converts melatonin into serotonin upon the rising ight reaching the eyes, also causes natural "DMT" to flood the brain) on the 4th day and returning to complete darkness for 40 more days (produces a "super" melatonin that can heal most all ailments/ provokes age reversal) = -20 + years
This was a common practice in ancient days that when researched with today's science shows that the human body can naturally do everything Courtney and the people mentioned above's methods are doing with out all the supplementation. This natural method utilizes the persons naturally produced melatonin & serotonin from this process to trigger the reversal. I believe the Mason's and other secret societies have similar methods but not as extensive. I am planning an experiment for personal findings based upon this method. I will report my findings once I do. However this will probably be shut down when I do. The establishment does not want us to know that everything we need is already present in the human makeup. They would rather we rely on their diagnosis / treatments and never getting fully healed, "because it is bad for business."
In some cultures - to rise before dawn and give honour to the four directions at first light - is a daily ritual.
Little anecdote. When watching the VIdeo I asked my girlfriend, who has never seen Courtney:
"Hey Baby, how old do you think this guy is?"
Without hesitation she said:
He had some stuff done to his face. But his neck gives it away. "