Go through the ENTIRE website and read everything. Go to the bitchute channel that’s also linked.
This is what Epstein’s island was about and all the elites that attended. This is why Ghislanes book of clients was never released. This is what Phil Schneider spoke of.
We are literally food for the beings that empower our elites currently, and we are literally dumb cattle and have zero idea we are food this whole time.
I guess vegans would be the equivalent of prime grass-fed cattle for the aliens, so make sure to drink heavily, abuse drugs, take lots of medicines, gain weight, and never excercise.
Farsight remote viewed underground alien bases and found torture chambers, including a half-eaten victim. The only thing left out was the actual serving of the meal.
All the weird stories about elites going to 'spirit cooking' parties, drinking blood, and torturing children are likely just aspects of cooking school for aliens.
"To Serve Man"
This is enough to make me want to become a herbivore.
Foie Gras ehb. that advice wont help.
Thank you, I did not know about this practice at all.
Farsight does kind of tell us this, just not in those words