RV TARGET: 4864-1048
Post submissions into this thread or at [email protected]. Suggested reveal date is by September.
RV TARGET: 4864-1048
Post submissions into this thread or at [email protected]. Suggested reveal date is by September.
So, I’m new to Farsight, although I’ve dabbled in RV with a different group in the past. Apologies for my ignorance, I’m wondering how things work here.
Who is the targeteer for the targets you post? Is this targeteer affiliated with Farsight, or at least sworn to follow clean (Farsight?) targeteering guidelines?
Is there a list somewhere of practice targets?
I’ve poked around a fair bit on the website, but I don’t recall seeing a reference to practice targets.
Hi Hawk. There is no guarantee about my targets. I enter my target data on a spreadsheet which is closed to the public and I share the file only with Farsight. I don't share the data anywhere else before the reveal, except that Google itself has access to my file and possibly some very good hackers. However, I place Farsight under no obligation to confirm or discuss my targets. And I have no budget, so none of my precautions come with any affordable guarantee.
If you want to ensure a clean target under clinical observation, this would not be the one.
What is the purpose of your targets? Is this something you do full time?
yes, please post it.
Sorry I mean to get back into this soon. Life has been busy and I predict I'll have a calm streak in the next while
REVEAL for RV target: 4864-1048
"The viewer will connect with ""Harvey"" as described by Courtney Brown at Farsight 2022"