I read The Trap, by David Icke. Courtney referenced it in one of his vids. Anyone else read it? So what is "the trap"? According to Icke, it's the world we live in, which is a simulation just like in the movie, The Matrix. The planet we call earth does not exist. It's a simulation. But many of us believe it is real. The simulation is a prison. So how do we escape? Stop identifying with your body and race and culture and sex. It's all a matrix to further divide your awareness and further ensnare you away from the truth--that you are infinite awareness and are not limited to your body and everything that goes with it. You may be black, asian, white, Native American, transgender, straight, gay, or whatever combination of these or other forms of identity. But do you believe you continue to be these identities when you "have shuffled off this mortal coil", as Shakespeare said? Hell no! So stop with your self-identity politics. This is part of the trap.
So true, everything that David Icke is saying!
A truth that humanity is still very much struggling to accept today, although the Man introduced the idea of this artificial reality some 2,000 years ago. That's why you should not expect a lot of posts in this thread, and most of those who will post here will do so to question the mental stability of David Icke.
The fact is that David Icke is not crazy, demented, loony... or whatever madness the controllers are projecting on him and would like you to believe.
Today, with the advancements in technology, we all know what an hologram is. It is therefore easy to accurately describe the artificial world where we live in as a hologram. And we can truly appreciate the challenge that Jesus had when he tried to explain to his contemporaries that they lived in a holographic world that they had created; and as IS-BEs like him made in the image of the Infinite Creator, they could do whatever he did and more.
However, there has been some substantial technological changes when we compare life today to what it was two millennia ago. But convincing man today that he is not his body remains as challenging as before. That is why few believe David Icke when he says that we live in a hologram, an artificial world that we have created out of the nothingness of our thoughts so that the Infinite Creator can experience Itself and Its creation.
The word or concept of hologram is one of the many signposts that we had placed on our earthly path before birth. These signposts are designed to be the guiding lights that when triggered, will activate the safe proof inner programming that will help us wake up and realize that we are not our bodies; but that we are all-powerful, all-knowing Immortal Spiritual Beings (IS-BEs) who are ONE with the Infinite Creator.