I have to question your reasoning. If they are sandbox media and they tell you what they want and the messages are all controlled. Why would that stop in relation to Russia and the elections. I mean where do you get your information from for the war in Russia and the US elections? I mean if you are watching the TV and they are saying yea ETs are fake and that was just swamp gas. Then the next story is "hey the elections were legit and Russia is losing the war" do you then go "O yea that's the truth!" I am not saying if someone lies to you they should never be trusted again. But you would be ignorant to not question what they say after they have lied to you for years.
I mean you really have to question your reasoning if you are believing the same people lying to everyone and by your own admission is the "sandbox media" about anything else. I am not upset, mad, want a civil war, or anything like that. But I am informed I guess more then you on other subjects. And I am saddened you are so misinformed on these subjects. I wonder if you can remote view, how is this such a blind spot for you?
I suspect you should stay away from all media as not to poison your perception of things going on. I mean I could present plenty of news stories and real evidence that would refute most of what you said. I respect you and believe you are very informed but only about remote viewing. I feel when you stray from there by listening to "sandbox media" I think you lose your way. I feel if you just blocked that out and stuck to just the info you get from remote viewing you would be much better off. Personally I have a very effective bullshit filter and I am able to critically think better then most. So I am able to watch all media and know either the truth or that its bullshit and the truth is still out there. I am not afraid to say I do not know and will admit when I am wrong. I believe through failure is a great way to grow and so I welcome it.
I am very positive and have never even fired a weapon before. I am not one of those people, but I believe just like the negative ETs are playing one side they play they other. I agree with you someone who picks up a weapon or does any violent thing at all is unacceptable. But isn't it easy to nudge someone just a little to go that far. To think the negative ETs "picked a side" or only operate nudging one country or political party is so shortsighted..... Very misinformed..... I am convinced they push both sides with any opportunity given. If they were to push just one side they would essentially be creating a positive "side" that are not under their manipulation. That is why both sides have to be manipulated.
I mean very easy example Ukraine has been bombing the Donbas since 2014. There are actual Nazis in the Ukraine army. To think that Russia just woke up one day and went into Ukraine is so misinformed. I mean there are professors all the way to Biden all saying expanding NATO would lead to this. I mean there is a ton of evidence out there you just have to look for it. BUT for Russia to invade and participate in violence and start a war is bad as well. Like you said he is under manipulation. So this is a perfect example that both sides are being played and both sides are bad. To pick a side is to miss the point that they are both manipulated and you picking a side is being manipulated as well. I mean anyone can search up the Nazi pictures of the Ukraine army and I am not just talking about fake news. They have identified things that have made it into the "sandbox media" stories like the symbols of the black sun and the swastika.
In my opinion they are both wrong they shouldn't be at war, peace should be negotiated, and all fighting stopped ASAP. If peace is not the solution then you are manipulated and playing into the hands of the negative ETs. It takes two people to fight. The US is also fully funding both the war and Ukraine's government. So the US is no better for that matter. I am kind of going on to long but you should get the point by now.
-If someone lies to you for years you may want to question any other information they tell you. AND
-Both sides can be bad or in any case manipulated by the negative ETs. They wouldn't be doing a good job if they were just picking on one side would they?
I dislike even having to address this I am just looking for solutions, peace and positivity.