Thoughts On How All This Information Fits Together.
From the Nag Hammadi Library Codexes, "The Paraphrase Of Shem" translated by Frederik Wisse,
Here's an excerpt I wish to analyze:
"...concerning the great powers who were in existence in the beginning, before I appeared. There was Light and Darkness and there was Spirit between them. Since your root fell into forgetfulness - he who was the unbegotten Spirit - I reveal to you the truth about the powers.
The Light was thought full of hearing and word. They were united into one form. And the Darkness was wind in waters. He possessed the mind wrapped in a chaotic fire. And the Spirit between them was a gentle, humble light. These are the three roots. They reigned each in themselves, alone. And they covered each other, each one with its power."
We know that there are PATTERNS of life. And so, I'm going to use the patterns that I've found out, and connect them to what these Gnostics back then were writing about for us to find.
With the book "Alien Interview" in mind, which Airl the alien communicated to Matilda O'Donnell MacElroy, and then was published by Lawrence R. Spencer (I think, only on the internet in PDF form) when Matilda decided it was time to share the knowledge she had of the Roswell spaceship crash which brought her into connection with Airl the Alien, captain of that ship, I'm going to look at that timeline which Airl explained to Matilda when she was describing her life billions, or millions, of years ago, to her. She used to work in a laboratory/factory where they made lifeforms. They then had a Spark that filled that body/life form they made, in order to animate that existence into experiencing life, in a world, in what we only know today as a "matter" world because we've been so distorted and dumbed down in our perceptions, or perhaps it really was a "matter" world back then too, for all we know right now, using intuition and all we have to decipher.
I'm looking at this situation as the good beings of Light who were talked about in that excerpt up top. They were all united into one form ("thought full of hearing and word" communicating together, picking up perceptions (thoughts) and putting them to work (the word), meaning they all worked together beautifully, creating life as we know it, and those Sparks? I think they were the Spirit which is the gentle humble light. Seeing as how the expansion of life progresses from the Original Creation, there are beings who already existed doing what they do best, and were creating life forms for the Spirit beings to fill and to experience matter what I'm seeing...for getting some "wisdom", you know? Knowledge and Experience equals "Wisdom." Therefore, all these beings would be working together to discover, learn, know, and grow!
And then Airl talks about how they had political unrest because of some selfishly oriented beings who wanted to do things their way - outside of the "united into one form" status. And now, discussing what I've read in the book "Eternal Humans and the Finite Gods" by Theresa Talea, those would be what are called Phantom beings who work death-science technology, and the first I've learned in that book of those sorts, are the Bourgha, who started out as the race of beings called the Bourenthasala, but they had an organic "fall" meaning they fell into phantom status (which was approximately four-hundred-and-eighty-billion years ago). The meaning of the word phantom is that a being has went 'satanic', in our understanding of the terminology. In the All That Is, The Pure Essence's words (short form ATI,TPE) where (he? it? I'll just call the ATI,TPE a He, or Him because it's the first principle of existence that we know about, and after Him, Eia came which is the Mother who birthed all that He had thought, into existence, through her own individuality, which continued INDIVIDUALITY itself, through you and me), so in His words where He talks to Theresa Talea about the states of semi-phantom and phantom:
"The natural portion of the semi-phantom being's bodily energy and Essence, repels all phantom energetic components and conscious intention for negative intrusions and purpose. The natural Essence is a portion of the semi-phantom construction (of which we here on Earth are basically all semi-phantom because of the manipulations we've endured); while the phantom beings have given up or lost their natural energetic Essence, or chosen to follow a destructive and/or self-serving, misleading agenda."
In other words, a person who got selfish and left behind their self-awareness, in fact, as we've heard said in the "Controllers of Reptilians" revealings where when asked about free will, by Aziz, the artificial entity (phantom) didn't even have a clue about what that meant. So, those beings are in self-denial, meaning they have denied their natural input, perceptions, they have totally ignored the subtle senses that are always working to come through and be in balance with our more exteriorized journeying into experiences personality aspect. Or like Don Juan of the Carlos Castaneda books said about the Nagual and Tonal, the Spirit and Personality, and also Gurdjieff talked about this too, the Essence and Personality. So, the satanists, or now we can see them as Phantoms, have either rejected their Essence in favor of chasing what their personality wants only, or they have lost it through some Machiavellian plan by some other phantoms who perhaps attacked them in a war and deranged their genetics so that they fell into line with the phantom structure. I don't know for sure whether this happens though, because the ATI,TPE says that it always starts from "Intention." Wherefore, the being perhaps may have intended something previously, which brought them into alignment with the fallen state, following their intention to begin with. Something to think about.
So then, Airl the alien experienced the Darkness that came forth and attacked others by lying, manipulating and forcing others into their way of doing things, which Airl says eventually brought wars and destroyed their laboratories/factories of creating being-forms for Sparks to go into and experience through. Which now comes into the stories of the Reptilians doing all the genetic manipulation on their ships that Airl talked about where those fallen dark force beings had to do their own experimenting since there no longer existed the original laboratories, hence the horrible creations of sticking this piece and that, together, (just as in the satanists GMO products which are artificially based instead of "naturally done" genetic modifications that follow the natural cycles of life-forms/beings/plants etc) because they lacked the ability to make something balanced and good, but they only are interested in what they want (personalities only, minus the Essence, making them imbalanced), which is to control so that they could feed off the energies of others, and hence their "Bugs & Blossoms" laboratory name, sort of like saying if you mix the light with the dark, chances are you'll attract the beings into the net, or like the fallen angel Lucifer is a bright light with high intelligence in order to attract those unaware of the lie hidden behind the pretty light, and therefore they become fodder for his feeding of their energy through his assimilation of them... and it's not a wonder that in the other movie "Mysteries_43_Lucifer, by Farsight, we find there are many very stupid sorts of beings behind Lucifer who only want to do what he tells them to and are always looking for ways to please him, by slaving for him. That's what you call assimilated into him, since they no longer recognize their own personal identity.
So, "the Darkness was wind in waters. He possessed the mind wrapped in a chaotic fire"... which reminds one of the smokeless fire which translates to the Djinn in Arabic lore. And we don't see these entities regularly, now do we? Nor do we see Airl the alien type entities, nor any of the other good beings that are around. So, we must to recognize that our physical vision is that personality stuff which must be balanced with our inner impressions or perceptions that the Higher Self of us brings to our consciousness in whatever way it works.... just that we must become more aware of that subtle spirit world within our own self, because that's the only way we would be able to overcome the pressing down on us of their manipulations their mind control that tries to make us only focus on the bare physical aspects of existence. There is more... but I have written plenty enough right now, and I'll take a rest, but I am looking forward to exchanges of thoughts on the true origins of us, through your take on the stories we've all heard and know by now.
Thanks for listening, observing, participating in whatever way you do in your own individuality.
Sunday November 6, 2022, 3:28 pm
LOL, I just realized that Freewill means "being able to go off course" :)