Hi everyone, and especially @Courtney and team!
I just watched an interesting interview on New Thinking Allowed, where Jeffrey Mishlove talks to Paul H. Smith. He mentions some LIMITATIONS in remote viewing, which he calls telepathic overlay.
This occurs when the target for a remote viewing session does not actually exist. What can then happen is, the remote viewer instead picks up on the PRECONCEPTIONS of either the one giving the target or the most senior and influential remote viewer of the team.
This caught my attention. How do you ensure something like this does not happen on your projects here on Farsight? Is it something that cannot happen if you formulate the target with enough open endedness?
Thanks, it would be interesting to hear someone on the Farsight team address this question!
Keep up the good work!
Yes. That is why Farsight projects which RV novels - Alien Interview, the ones by Elena ... and that other guy with a website selling consultations ... come up with a match to this content.
Then the conclusion drawn is that these novels are now proven as fact.
There has been much great work in the RV community but these sort of self-reinforcing projects (Elena wrote a book of a Farsight project, Farsight remote viewed her novel and thus one big self-reinforcing circle) reduce the credibility earned through hard work of this community.
This is a very old topic, one that we have researched heavily. You might want to read this book about our work and this topic.
Remote viewing cannot be done without telepathy. People who worry about telepathic overlay do not understand why remote viewing works in the first place. The issue is not to eliminate telepathic influence, but to control it. To my knowledge, Farsight is the only group that understands this issue. But others will disagree, of course. Those others probably do not take our work seriously, just as we ignore most of their work. The best way to avoid all telepathic overlay is not to have a single public project published. Just talk. Talk avoids all risk, and it is cheap.
Thank you Courtney, I will check out the book! The more I learn about your work, the more I appreciate it :-)
In which video did they view Elena's books?