If things are really the way Farsight seems to uncover, then we are in a fairly pitiful state in our means to break free of the system. According to the ethos here, we would do better to start chapters similar to what Farsight is doing. Get a few buddies together, task each other, and try to pull together the viewings.
As entertaining as it is, and I'm sure it helps the process if many do find it entertaining, It's just not really a thing for our entertainment, if it bears truth. It's not a thing to passively soak . . . again albeit it does somewhat help their cause if people *are* passively soaking.
We finally have a group saying something different from: "it's ok everybody, we have it all under control" - this is a message that has flooded the new age community, the altright (and I cringe when people think that's a racist movement) and even the bulk of traditional (mixed) religions..and dare I say,' a consistent misinformation tactic
My point is, If you buy what they're saying, we aren't in good shape. But the good news is: little habitual actions on our part stand a chance of greatly turning the outcome. I'm curious if anyone could agree or disagree with the following-
*Armed militias will be relevant. You don't have to wait for military. The problem is: your militia is useless if you don't first learn some routimentary RV. It may be what saves you and your children when "stuff" hits the fan.
*Major cities are a danger zone. Even with an advanced civilization, they will be the typical leverage piece between battles.
**Please* don't join the tinfoil groupies. "They can insert thoughts into you" does not go onto add "unless you have proper metal shielding" If you think about it: rvers explore shielded bunkers all the time. So what makes you think foil does anything other than add ridicule to an already weakened movement.
*emergency supplies will be helpful. Stuff like hardtack, energy producers, and yes bunkers.
*exposing the lies is helpful, rioting us not. Not because the movement is supposed to be peaceful, but moreso because it has to be smart. The difference between planned ambushes and riots.
*Rallies, at this point, won't do much for you. It's a sham. You go buy your license, plan your route and your window of time. It just repeats things that everyone hears and the information probably even loses the respect it had before the rally.