Is anyone going to address Yeme’s last session where the negative ETs compromised her session and the things that were said?
She did address it herself at the end of the stream, didn't she. The bad ET took over indeed. And did his best to send out scary warnings. But that's what they do right? That's their main quality.
That's what they already have been doing for ages, and still do daily by our politicians and Mainstream Media. And it's basicly the only quality these beings have, beaming out fear energy to control and manipulate.
Why you want it addressed? Did the session scare you? Then they succeeded in their goal. Be more confident in that they can't do shit as long as you are not afraid.
Not scared at all. I just think it needs to be discussed as it’s never happened before to my knowledge. It basically means FARSIGHT is known and they must be doing good to be targeted like this. I think it’s useful to hear people’s thoughts about it that’s all.
I feel like they play both sides of the political parties. Just one more so than the other in my opinion. There is a globalist agenda that parties across the world adhere to I think they are the clear enemy. A quick and easy way to know where not to go is wherever the globalist are going.
That’s how I feel, it is best to stay away from the politics and pay attention to the signal. The only reason they are even relevant is because for some reason positive ETs treat them like our leaders. Because we elect them in with what the negative ETs already admitted to sabotaging elections. So they rig the elections then get leaders in that will easily sign papers for them to stay here. Biden will sign anything that comes across his desk. If anyone believes that he is anything but a shell or a vessel they are sadly misinformed.
They cannot be our proper leaders if the elections were rigged as they said. And so the positives shouldn’t regard them as such, or any of their decisions. If the positive ETs didn’t believe they are our true leaders we wouldn’t even have to worry about who’s who or what they say and do. Politics ruins everything. But for some reason they have to matter?
Interesting thoughts. They did indeed admit in rigging elections everywhere, to keep the dumbest most vulnerable and controllable puppets in power. And I also strongly believe it is easy for them to interfere in the election machine electronics to produce the result they want, since they seem to be technological advanced
As for the good ETs who are supporting fake elected authorities: I got the impression they basicly gave up on politics, since they are so easily compromised. And their money is fully on the masses, waking them up. Not really getting a 'support vibe' from them towards politicians. Although they are probably feeding lots of political minds who are still willing to fight the establishment. They can still inspire those who are not compromised with insights to fight the globalist lunatics in their quest for the NWO, Great Reset or whatever shit WEF plan they are trying to accomplish.
So to me it mostly sounds like they have accepted the politicians are a lost cause, and the focus is on the people and military.
Something that came to my mind related to interference in human life from ETs: I have heard many times now that in nuclear military installations there have been sightings of UAP in the past, accompanied by shutting down of all nuclear facilities. Confirmed by military reports. To me, that was either interference or help to prevent disaster. Or was it just aliens testing if they can fiddle with controls. So 2 options: if its bad ET's who can control nuclear rockets on any given location, they could fck things up greatly with a launch.
Haven't fone it so far though, so one could wonder if they can or want it. Would they be interested in staging a nuclear disaster to make things worse on this planet? I doubt it. Option 2 is, it was the GoodETs preventing some kind of disaster they foresaw and basicly interfered in controls by some kind of disabling.
Since they claim they do never interfere in free will, it's their deepest principle, how does this interference qualify? Is it allowed to interfere by G'ET's when it comes to potential nuclear disaster? Or was it B'ETs.
My issue is the politicians rule they sign the documents to allow the B’ET’s to stay. So while they may write them off how is anything they sign meaningful? I mean if the military didn’t answer to politicians then I guess it wouldn’t matter. But my issue is if the election is rigged to install a government that will sign the documents to stay then how do the G’ET’s recognize it as a valid document and not fruit from the poisoned tree?
If they didn’t hold themselves to this standard then it wouldn’t matter. If anything at the minimum they should allow for free and fair elections so the people are properly represented. Then any agreements would be valid.
I cannot stress enough that none of this would matter to me “politicians” if it didn’t matter to them. They said they don’t want to be involved but then they accept document signed by politicians as valid? That’s the issue. Either they don’t matter and neither does anything they sign or they do matter and we have to deal with the reality.
Personally I would rather write them all off and not have to give a two shits. Harvey might have some explaining to do. If it’s delicate or something that needs to be more in-depth then let’s do it. We are all adults here able to critically think. Let’s just hash out the issue “politics don’t matter” but the documents they sign do.
Courtney hints at the idea that the election wasn't rigged. Only coerced. If the G'ETs knew that behind the scenes there was no rigged election, this could be reason enough to forfeit their war threats.
But it still feels off to me. You just can't inexorably claim that the decision is free will, even if the election went unrigged. The decisions of prisoners are still coerced by the prison system. It would be like saying that at this point, North Korea having an untampered election is still a fair election. They have been so brainwashed and manipulated, there's no telling what nut logic they would be using to vote now.
I can only suppose that they use some sort of algorithm, a metric, to measure some level of free will. Surely an advanced civilization would understand that free will exists on a spectrum. It's not a strict one vs the other
Worst still, the North Koreans only get one person on the ballot to vote for. As you say Tazz its the surrounding system and its structuring. Coercion for populations to remain a slave is easy for a Leaders when there are no other options. If you look at the NK Bible, it basically is a Christian publication with the names changed - their entire world story is a lie - it's that blatant.
Yes. North Korea -the folks are brainwashed to even think Kim Yong Un invented the Hamburger and that America is less powerful in military than they are. Is it so much different in the western countries? In the US, for example, the choice is between two major parties, both have more or less the same (exeptualism, evil Russians, full spectrum dominance, wall street, mRNA flu shot, drone killings and hybrid warfare) agenda. Same in other countries: e.g. Germany (there it is: pro US and EU, co2-panic/climate, "refugees welcome", lockdowns, evil Putin, etc.) The politicians in the higher ranks all have a kind of predetermined breaking point -planned obsolescence if you will. If they are not behaving, a scandal will appear and sombody else will get their place. But if they "behave", they can do what they want. No matter how corrupt, stupid, irresponsibly, contradictory or treasonous they act. The masses are influenced by the media, which cover or scandalise the politicians or other public figures and organisations, depending on how their behaviour fits into the "agenda". The people think this show is their "reality".
If you want to read more about it, go to the CIA FOIA archive readingroom website and search for "psychological warfare in Europe" there the methods are described. They use (also found their own) media, NGOs, churches, sects, private persons who write letters to their relatives, hire Nazis, found companies to finance their operations, sell basic stuff like food and socks on the black market to poor people -just to seize it afterwards and sell it again ..., and much much more. The coldwar stuff can get you a good idea how it all works. But don't forget: the methods are much more advanced nowdays, and the propaganda budget is multiple times higher. They (e.g. DOD, IMC, WEF, Gates and Clinton foundation, Soros, ...) use neuromarketing and spend hundreds of millions for "public relations" "philanthropy" and science sponsoring, each year -tax free.
They haven't signed anything yet. So so far there has been enough reluctancy, distrust or skeptical attitude towards those that are trying to get the deals signed. We are talking about at least 70 years of no succes in this respect of the B'ET's since they started to get in contact with the US Military by giving (or intentionally crashing) space crafts to them, and started communicating.
So although the controlling part of politicians and rigging of elections is probably a reality, at the same time it's not a lost cause since the military is the decisive factor, and there are probably and hopefully a lot more smart people in the background operating to save the day than in our polarising political arena. At least so far they have been cautious.
I already suggested there should be email contact by the FS team and some inside guys of the military who could talk to the top guys and at least warn them how they are trying to trick them. That should be enough to prevent any emotional choices. But maybe that's already done.
They alright signed a deal after operation high jump. So their judgment is suspect. That deal from what I understand has run out and they are looking for a new deal to be made.
My issue with that is why did they sign a deal then and not do what they are saying they are going to do now after this deal is signed? Why did they wait until this deal to go full WW2 Germany on the human race?
I hope disclosure is the answer and not an AOL of CB.
I totally get the sandbox bully characterization now. It's not that the bully can't beat you up. They really can. But the good news is their methods are quite predictable. With all of their threats, the response comes to my mind: well how is that motivation to make me stop challenging you? If anything I know the consequence of not challenging you is that much more terrible. So it's not even like I'm the hostage working as a bargaining chip. I am the warehoused product. There is no reason for me not to fight, by your own logic.
The reptilian way is to throw as much fear at you as possible both to humanity and sometimes personally. I think the only way is to call them out for it, challenge it and practice communicating with good ET with a positive approach.
They attacked me once with some kind of energy. Both myself and my wife felt the attack and it lasted for about 5 days. The energy was very horrible and really heavy. In the end, I just got pissed off and challenged them. I called them cowards and many other things. I demanded that they showed themselves and fight me face to face.
Then something unexpected happened. I believe the good ET intervened. There was an instant relief. From that point onward, we had a visit of what I call, the red light beings. We could never actually see them like we can each other, but we could see the red light that followed the being everywhere it walked in our house. This started in 2016 and still happens today from time to time. During these years they advise me in thought and direction.
I am saying all of this because it is important to demonstrate a related experience.
Reacting to reptilian can only be a direct challenge in my opinion. Down tools and challenge them as hard as you can with all the focus you have. get as angry as you can, hold nothing back, let it all out and towards them.
I agree.
To challenge them is a way forward.
I wonder if this is something that we have in us - a natural response.
I was kept in spiritual/paranormal fear for years until I lost it (in a dream) and turned to face my oppressor with such force I didn't recognize myself. Never seen the thing again.
Adam thank you for sharing your story, it takes a lot of courage to do that.
I agree with Del and you, we have to forcefully challenge the baddies. The business of "showing the other cheek" just does not work with them.
Del, yes challenging those who oppress and terrorize us is a natural response that we all have. It is an aspect of the "flight and fight response" that we all exhibit when our welfare and survival or those of our love ones are on line. We have all heard the story of the 150 pound (68 kg) man who alone had lifted a 380 lb (172 kg) refrigerator or piece of furniture that was crushing his 5-year old son. I think that the same thing happens when we are tired of being bullied. One day we say to ourselves enough is enough, and at that point we stop being afraid and we confront the bully face-to-face.
Physiology has a good scientific explanation for the "flight and fight response" but this explanation does not say anything about who or what initiates this response. I think that this phenomena is initiated by the IS-BE who lives and uses our body to experience physicality. The IS-BE or Soul is one of the 3 inner parts of man, the other two are the mental and spiritual parts. Of those 3 parts, the IS-BE is the only one that does not have a time vector, as a result it is immortal.
In addition, the IS-BE is the only inner part of man that is made of a Spark of God and this makes IT all-powerful, unlimited and infinite. The IS-BE is therefore the part of man that is responsible for miracles like when a 150 lb man lifts a 380 Ib refrigerator, or when he confronts a physically more powerful reptile. Therefore, it behooves us to establish a good relationship with our IS-BE inner part. One day, this relationship may work for us.
For the longest time we were disturbed by unwanted night visitors. Then it got worse when we moved. It was so bad that my 12-year son was sleeping with one of his katami samurai swords, and 3 more were nearby in his room. One night as I was sleeping, I became aware of a green and yellow light that was in the sky. I saw it moving at high speed towards our house. Then it landed in our bathroom and a being dressed in green and yellow with some red emerged from it.
I could not see its face, it was blurred. But I knew that it was a reptilian because of the green and yellow colors. Then, I got really angry because it had violated my house, my sovereignty, and therefore the law of free will. I called it names, and forbade it from ever stepping in my house. I woke up and checked the house, no one was there. In the morning my wife asked me if I had noticed something unusual in the house during the night. I said yes and told her about the entity that landed in the bathroom. She told me that she saw it too, so it was not a dream. Later on I learned how to get rid of undesirable visitors.
I would like to thank Littletre for starting this thread. If it were not for you mentioning a certain incident in Yeme Jeanée’s presentation, I would probably not have watched this December 2022 ET News Forecast.
I am not going to spend a lot of time talking about the negative ETs who wanted to give the impression that Ms. Jeanée, and consequently the rv session were under their control; as a result, the whole rv session was compromised.
The reality is that the rv session was not compromised at all! Yeme made it clear that the baddies were not in control, she was. In addition, the Free Willing ETs were nearby overseen the rv session. However, Yeme had agreed to broadcast the baddies’ grievances. And as you heard, these grievances were pure bluff filled with trigger words for fear, anger, intimidation, and division.
Going a little bit off topic here. I would like to suggest that we change our inner selves first; then our world and our leaders will change. Indeed, both are reflections of who we are.
For me the following overall message that came from the Free Will ETs is my interpretation of what is important in this ET News Forecast:
There is a sense of urgency and time is of the essence. That is why we have to give the Free Will ETs the permission that they need to intervene and help our world. Without this permission they cannot help us. Helping us without our permission would be a violation of our free will.
It is a number thing, meaning that the more people and the faster we give this permission, the higher the probability that we will win the battle that will free us from the prison planet. The principle of the 100th Monkey Effect is applicable here.
I would like to close by saying that giving this permission is easy and you can do it whichever way that you like but you have to give it to The Free Will ETs. Please don’t believe your conscious mind when it tells you that you cannot give this permission because you are not telepathic, psychic, military… or whatever. The fact is that you are psychic, telepathic, military…or whatever. You are whole!
An example of giving permission is as following: I’m giving the Free Will ETs the permission to help our world and me against those who are trying to enslave us.
With regard to the protection against neuro linguistic programming, I have been told that we can extend this protection to people whose welfare affect us; ex family, friends, colleagues… etc.
Happy New Year 2023.