I was watching this video and in it he’s addressing the topic of AI and military.
He said: “with ai, we wont need generals anymore”
And thats when it hit me.
Harvey was talking about how the Oppressors (enslaver ETs) were going to completely wipe out the US military, and that they will spark a great disaster in the world in order to do so, playing all sides.
Harvey talked about how After achieving what they want, they will not allow any military leadership.
I always wondered how they would accomplish this, and i just now realized the answer.
How will they be able to maintain strict control over humanity and also remain hidden?
The answer is:
They will use Artificial Intelligence.
Once artificial intelligence is finally developed fully, it will become the most integral part of human society. Everything world wide will come to be connected to this artificial intelligence. This AI singularly will offer great opportunities and benefits to human prosperity and advancement, and so humanity will accept it. This singularity will become the “king” or “god” of the world in a sense, though if we are speaking in metaphors, it might be more accurate to call it a “throne”.
Upon this “throne”, the Oppressors will sit and
The direct control and influence of the artificial intelligence will be in their hands. They can direct and control every aspect of it as if it was a body they inhabit.
When i say everything will be under their control, i mean everything. At that point, almost nothing will remain hidden, uncontrolled, and free from their grasp.
There will still be ways to fight, which especially include the use of psychic force and abilities, but it will be extremely difficult.
Im confident that this is what harvey meant by “singing agreements” and “everything will be handed over to them”. In fact im almost certain that these “agreements” mostly arent even things they know they are agreeing to.
Its more of a vested agreement, for example: the action of inhabiting a body is an accepted agreement by the ISBE inhabiting the body that they will be weak and subject to all different forces, essentially vulnerable, and naked. One can agree to these agreements without even knowing what they are doing. Such is the nature of this prison, samsara.
This is the video for anyone who might want to watch.