Possibly this post won't be super helpful to anyone but me. I'm either stating the obvious for you or wildly speculating. Your input is welcome, full-on critique or praise, either one.
The Reptilians are essentially AI controlled. They're not seeking to dominate the galaxy for the sake of reptilian primacy. It's moreso that the reptilian biological makeup was preferable as a slave for a central AI. Tough bodies, singular-minded brains, psychological makeup of rage and conquest.
Isbes ("spirits" whatever), the immortal beings we are, operating our human bodies, have been kept trapped because basically it's the ultimate intelligence. AI can't seem to reach the same level by itself. One great way to enslave a population is with their own population. So the Pindar as they call it, (Rothschilds, and then some) are members of our own essentially, instituting insidious systems with legislation that is thinly veiled to appear as an aim to protect your own personal rights and freedoms when pretty much every new legislation is just to protect the assets of the enslavers. The loyalty of these wealthy families is rewarded with hedonistic freedoms to be both extreme and cruel by their desire. (Not true freedom, of course).
Rather than overtly repress our technology (because we would gradually burst the floodgates of its repression), they wager legislation with technological permissions. As soon as they're ready for a new level of control, they can allow for a new type of technology. You want electric drive systems and global communication? Sure. As soon as we have you under a global tracking network. You want vehicles in the air? Sure. As soon as we have your airspace patrolled. You want to leave the planet? well . . . let's concoct a weird confusing theory for how that just isn't easy at all and say that you need a bunch of fake automatons sent out and we'll say that it landed in some empty pocket of the universe.
The only solution that seems probable for us: mental expansion and disclosure. Each one feeds the other. Mental expansion with meditation and remote viewing (meditation by itself isn't enough). Disclosure with UFOlogy and exposing anything like exotic materials and cryptozoology. (But this is not to get caught up in internet memes, political subtopics, and historical speculation. They're too distant to be effective.) These pursuits are not to be read as "pacifist learning" - they are just the peaceful side to a coinciding military approach. Why not go straight to militaristic approach? Because without the mental expansion, you're easily hijacked. That's all, it has nothing to do with being all-loving peaceniks. (Although it does have something to do with unification. Becoming warlike too early will just make everyone easily splintered into civil war).
The academics are relevant: Particularly in math, engineering, and biotechnology. To some degree, philosophy (but the academic philosophy has been near-completely corrupted - a bunch of historical events and figures with barely any principals)
To some degree, the survivalist agenda is relevant. Getting an income and gathering supplies, storing emergency systems, learning self-sufficiency. But this by itself is not helpful, and only serves to play into the hands of the latest backup agenda. Which is why they are pushing so much post-apocalyptic media our way. They don't want everyone dead, they want lots of pockets to survive a big war, but not to realize the real reasons it's being fought.
In summary: Keep the ideal of a militarized grassroots population, but it won't work without routine meditation and development of the psychic mind. Aside from that: Academics in the hard sciences, financial assets if you can manage them (keeping investments robust against market collapses. Stored metal works), and in the meantime the push for disclosure, the more first-hand the better, particularly around extraterrestrials and ufology.
No fancy-pancy gobbledygook books! No subculture "peaceful community with nature" stuff. It'll just get hijacked or is already corrupt. No "interviews with gak from the planet Wonk" stuff! Too many deliberate dead ends!
Is that about right so far?
another point- on your post- if the aliens rae so far advanced (some speculate thousands of years advanced) then AI must be too- its almost self perpetuating, wouldnt surprise me if this is all AI constructed.
An AI may be countered with our own viral AI: infiltration, highjacking, disruption from inside. Just turn the table. No need for other prepping... Let the Reptos fight each other and their comrades...