I live there 5 kms away, and in the exact place where they are going to build the New Tesla GigaFactory in Mexico there is a place of rock "mines", I don't know exactly what kind of minerals they extract, but I guess it will be related to what the Teslas need.... also, I have many views of UFO activity in the surroundings, all over the mountain, but especially in that place, there are machines and trucks working 24/7, but at night we can see some green and blue lights appearing and disappearing in those places, I have pictures of UFO activity in the surroundings, it's like maybe underground activity or a special place, Dr. Steven Greer was here once for that purpose, in fact, 3 years ago a meteorite fell that was filmed and appeared in the news, it fell on that mountain and burned part of the hill, another night filming with infrared light I captured a meteorite that crossed the sky and fell on that same mountain, it "split" in 2 or 3 parts that rolled over the mountain, a high mountain of about 2K meters, interesting that they chose exactly that area that had no additional value for being on the edges of the mega-city. In the video the view of the road from the hill, from there you can see my house, in the video Marcelo Ebrard Secretary of Foreign Affairs of Mexico and Governor Samuel Garcia.
Thats very interesting! Thanks for reporting that in.
Can you post any of your UFO vids or any activity there or in the area?
Is there a D.U.M.B there or in the vacinity?