The situation is that we need to comprehend our selves, and as well, to comprehend how the fallen phantom archon negative aliens attacked us and manipulated our structure so that they could the easier to control us without our knowing we are being controlled.
Because in that knowledge, we can protect ourselves while navigating through the literal labyrinth we find ourselves in, and out of it back to freedom, to the eternal realms where Father and Mother and the Son rule, and where no archons are allowed in.
I've found how, we have been separated by them fallen ones, from our Higher spiritual communications to our own selves, and to the sentient beings in the universe. Through that separation, they try to keep us deceived in order to feed off our eternal energies, our essence, because they don't have essence or a soul. They gave it up chasing only selfish ends, the essence left them. Like a wife or husband who leaves a spouse that continually abuses and lies to them. Their essence left them. Which tells us that we must protect our hearts inner feeling so that we can stay in touch with our Higher Self, our Essence, and that is what is meant by light quanta (from the Theresa Talea book "Eternal Humans And The Finite gods"). That, when we are doing our daily living, we must stay in contact with our Higher Self because our Higher Self is in contact with the All That Is, The Pure Essence/ Source, and that is where our Essence came from... so if we are getting bent and start doing evil because the negative aliens have got at us, and we are either fearing too much or attacking without thought, or some other nasty thing that one does when one has lost their mind to their overboard negative emotions, then we face the fact that our light quanta, or light quotient gets lower, and that in turn allows those negative entities to further attack us. So we need the protection of a natural way of being, rather than a reptilian-brain-response which is mindless reaction an instant reflex response.
In this part of the Cosmic Awareness Communications newsletter, that I got in my email, a free to read 30 pages found here: shows how Humanity has been separated from the Higher spiritual realms, just as it shows also in Theresa Talea's book Eternal Humans and the Finite gods. In other words, our communication Home, our support system was pushed from us to reach, so they could, like leaches, stick themselves there instead and manipulate our lives while stealing them, our energy & essence. And this is the CAC community talking to Cosmic Awareness just recently,
February 2023:
[pg 7 of 30]
"The reason I bring this up is that in three weeks from tomorrow we will be celebrating the 500th issue of Revelations of Awareness. The first one was published in 1965, 33 years ago, and we're sort of jazzing it up to make it a celebration, hoping the membership will participate.
[Question:] I'd like to ask if Awareness has a comment on this 500th issue celebration, that we could include in that [this] particular issue: good or bad?
Cosmic Awareness: "This Awareness suggests that, as has been stated repeatedly through various interpreters, since the cracks in consciousness achieved a connection between Humanity and this Awareness..."
**In Theresa Talea's book E.H.a.t.F.g., the All That Is, The Pure Essence [Source] said that Cosmic Awareness is the "Mind" of the Milky Way galaxy... which means, masculine, because later in this issue on page 27, they talk about "electric" energy, which is a masculine trait: "I recall I sat in on various Awareness sessions that Paul gave, and when I saw him actually make contact with the Awareness, it was like he was in the grip of some kind of great electrical force."
" the format it is now accessed through this organization, that indeed, this Awareness suggested your appointment, and vested you with the responsibility of disseminating the information, of organizing communities, of creating networks of communication and of ushering spiritual enlightenment and evolution in consciousness by creating inroads in mass-consciousness."
-- The Cassiopaeans, who ascended from the planet Venus [same solar system] in the past some time, and are now bodiless entities of invisible light, either headed for home back to the ATI,TPE/Source, or are still on their way, made a connection with Laura Knight Jadczyk in 1994. They started by telling her what is really going on, on this planet, about how the negative aliens (archons) are abducting people and doing horrible experiments on them, and that they need to tell others too, and to get knowledge because knowledge protects, and we need it to wake up and ascend, as well.
--The Pleiadians, through Barbara Marciniak were saying that, after the negative aliens performed [death-science] technology on the people of the planet [back in Atlantean times], they forgot who they were [became instantly amnesiac] and were unable to be communicated with anymore.
They said that our DNA, which is originally [Angelic Human] 12-strand, was like a library that when the raiding reptilians came here, they dumped all the books into the middle of the room in a pile, and all we had were 2-strands of DNA left functioning, and that we needed to put those books back together on the shelves, organized, so we could have use of them again.
The "descriptive" language the Pleiadians use, such as, they dumped our library into the middle of the floor of the room in a pile (which scientists have called 'junk' DNA), is similar to what poltergeists do in a house. Dump things into a pile in the middle of a room. Do you think the "descriptive" language, the metaphor, meant to show us something more about our enemies?
--In the Rudolf Steiner information...
...where he talks about the "Eighth Sphere," he uses the terms "Lucifer and Ahriman" to describe the negative aliens who have been attacking us (and everyone else as well). In so many words, he says that those negative entities don't have substance bodies (and therefore they can't use them in order to ascend), and that they attack us to steal from us, from our heart/mind our creative force, so they could use it to manifest what they want, instead of us using our own abilities to manifest what we want...
which brings to mind those chimera morphing things we've seen floating around in our skies. Shapeless masses of morphing things, which remind one of what the Arabs call "djinn", or what the exorcists have discovered; that when demon's manifest to deceive us, if they manifest a human's form, there is always some defect or deformity about the shape of it, such as, there are parts missing entirely -- the full figure of the Human form never manifests for them. And that would be the sign that you are dealing with demons.
Hm, thank you, SJ. I was remembering how it was quite a while ago that I had put up any posts on my findings. But you see, it's because I have been attacked badly, by those creatures, the one's who want to rule the world! and steal everyone's soul right out of their body, you know? Those. It's too long of a story to start telling about now, and I'm still dealing with it. At the same time, doing what I can to communicate, nevertheless.
Hope you are well and your wife, and the family. We all must somehow work together to overcome these nasty entities who continually interfere in our lives. And you've done well here, by bringing our hearts, the readers in Farsight's forum too, together, better, and strengthen ourselves against their nefarious works. These light sharing of compassion etc, are what will out-weight their hatred for us, and will return us to the truth, and the beauty that has always been meant for us to begin with.
Thank you.