So from my years of research, a particular race keeps coming up and that is the Annunaki or Elohim. According to the lacerta files, the Elohim genetically engineered humans and created them from their image. Are these guys the shadowy people that are referred to as the old empire? It makes the most sense since technically they own this planet according to galactic law that insiders have said in interview. Penny Bradley calls them the Shahami and has inside knowledge on galactic affairs. The real war is with our creators, Marduk Enlil and Enki. They set up this whole farm and this is why it has been soo hard to remove them and their influence since they are the creators and owners of this property. They run the world too with their offspring called the Jews and are the most dangerous beings on the planet. Just sharing the truth. Calling them the old empire or illuminati just hides the perpetrators.
I think Linda Howe Did a episode or 2 on them
I am telling you Farsight the Annunaki are behind everything in this solar system. They are the rulers of the Old Orion Empire and own the prison planet along with the reptilians. They are the final boss.