Event horizon: Fringe & Conventional
Conventional media is not our enemy. But we best get collaborative quickly. There is an event horizon coming.
There are lots of pretty sound theories as to why the galaxy is not colonized. Sound theory does not mean true theories. There are pretty sound theories as to why we would be the subjects of a galactic slavery consort.
These two theories do not need to be in conflict.
Those that believe we might be in a dead galaxy are summoning more and more reasoning as to why it's crucial to human survival that we expand into other planets. It just makes more sense. The more you expand, the more resources, the less likely you blow yourself up on one planet in one fell swoop.
Those that believe we are already enslaved, fighting to get free, are pushing for disclosure. I don't need to elaborate on that as we've discussed that heavily here.
Expansion and disclosure. It's not expansion vs disclosure. It's both. One side screams "why don't we expand more" - the other side screams "we need the truth leaked out"
It's Courtney Brown plus Elon Musk. It's Dr Steven Greer plus Robert Zubrin. It's "what the fuck is this anyway" PLUS "why the fuck won't we get out there"
We don't have to be concerned if the person we quote is a government shill. We know the liars want to spackle it with truth to be effective anyway. We push BOTH narratives simultaneously. Go with the path of least resistance. Whatever audience you get, appeal to either angle you feel they're more likely to respond to. Sure we can talk about alien enslavers, or we can talk about mars colonization (and assume it's not being used already) - you decide. They both help